Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What would
bellabeauxbaton think of
viola_player? They'd probably get along fairly well! ^^
2) What do you agree with
bellabeauxbaton about? Viktor Krum = teh sex, duh.
3) Is
dourmetal dead sexy? As are we all, at heart.
4) When did you last call
drkwzrdmalfoy? When did I get his number?
5) Do you think
andromedashun is hot? Dead smexy, yo.
6) Which president would
drkwzrdmalfoy be likely to idolize? Republicans for Voldemort! XD
7) Do you have a crush on
mojotmonkey? ...boy, THAT'S been answered, hasn't it? ^^
8) Is
malfoymation introverted or extroverted? Extroverted. At least online. ^^
9) Does
akihigan smoke? ...dun think so?
10) Has
midnightsfall dyed their hair? YES. Many times, from what I read.
11) How many monkeys could
bellabeauxbaton fight at once and win against? 42. HA! THE QUESTION HAS BEEN FOUND!
12) Where was
akihigan born? On Earth, presumably.
13) Is
andromedashun related to you? My long lost twin. Undoubtably.
14) What do you disagree with
viola_player about? Um...Harry Potter related things.
15) Does
dourmetal travel a lot? If she does, she ought to come and VISIT.
16) What is
spoolingemotion's favorite color? Blue? Gold? New color?
17) What is
thedourpariah allergic to? Me getting annoyed with her.
18) What exotic animal would
scarletribbon like as a pet? Schuldig. End of story.
19) Are
dourmetal and
sulphur_sitter married? HISSS! MY POTTER! NOT YOURS!
20) How would
spoolingemotion kill
black_messenger? ...I'm sorry, that would NOT happen. Gabby = teh ph33r
21) Is
drkwzrdmalfoy your best friend? And my father. How amazing is that?
22) Have you flirted with
black_messenger? I subconciously flirt with everyone. I can't be held responsible if I have.
23) Where was
malfoymation born? Anarchy in the UK, baby.
24) Is
thedourpariah single?, last I heard?
25) Would
spoolingemotion go out with
drkwzrdmalfoy? ...that's a thought I really did NOT need to entertain. *brain promptly breaks*