Prompt: Kind of based on the movie Chocolat. Human!AU- Spain and his young son N. Italy move into a devoutly Catholic town and open a chocolatier shop during Lent. This earns the scorn and avoidance of most of the villagers, though he is able to draw in a small number of customers with his warm, accepting personality. One of his deals is that he tries to guess the perfect chocolate for each customer, and if the customer doesn’t love it, they’re allowed to pick out a free piece of chocolate.
His most regular customer is Romano, a man who is looked down upon by the religious townspeople for his foul mouth, womanizing and general bad attitude. Spain quickly grows attracted to him and attempts to woo him with his best candies but he can’t seem to figure out the best chocolate for him. In the end, Romano enters the shop while Spain is taste-testing one of his new chocolate recipes, leaving a little on his lip. It turns out that chocolate-covered Spain lip was the candy Romano has been seeking.
Bonus: a side-dish of HRExChibitalia