Jun 24, 2008 09:11
So, I have an addictive personality (insert your jokes here). What I mean is that I tend to become latched onto things. I'll become obsessed with something, and then I'll devote myself, almost exclusively to that, for weeks.
Like knitting. I'll start knitting, and then I'll come out of my knitting daze months later, with seven new scarves and a blanket.
It's also like that with tv. I love the Buffyverse almost to exclusion, AD, HIMYM, Whoverse, all of it. Well, now I have a new love. A forbidden Love. A new, German, Forbidden Love. Known in German as Verbotene Leibe.
Which is a German soap opera. And now I want to learn German so that I can watch it on YouTube.
Ok, so it's set in Dusseldorf, and here's the story thus far:
Gregor and Sarah are in love, and they got married. He owns a bar, and used to be a pilot and male prostitute (I know!) and she's a model with a bad coke addiction. Which he doesn't know about. Of course. So, high on coke, she cheats on him, and then they get divorced, even though they're totally made for each other. Can we say intervention? Man, I hope so.
So, Gregor has a little brother named Christian, and he's had an eventful year. He used to go out with a DJ named CoCo, but then Oliver (who I guess used to be on the show, then left for five years b/c he's a sailor, and is back now) comes back, and moves in with CoCo and Christian (like you do) and then causes more problems in an already rocky relationship. See, Oliver skews high on the Kinsey scale, but he's by no means a ten, and Christian skews low on the Kinsey scale, but he's by no means a one. Nudge nudge, wink wink. Long (OMG, soooo long, but soooo worth it) story short, CoCo moves to Goa (in India) so she can DJ, Christian confronts his latent sexuality by going to a gay chat room and seeking advice from an "anonymous" friend, who is, of course, Oliver! Then there's a confrontation between Christian and Oliver that totally leads to making out and sexin', but then Christian freaks out, and then they make up. But they don't tell anyone except their flat mate, Judith, not even Gregor.
Now, as for Judith, she's currently torn between two guys: Fabian, who she's liked for a really long time and finally likes her back, and Constantin, who she should totally be with, b/c Fabian is a dork with stupid hair. Judith works in construction, but as like an office manager, not with power tools, though Judith could totally make a drill bit look fierce.
Speaking of fierce, now there is Olivia. She's Oliver's cousin, and she's kind of bitchy and hilarious. When she found out about Christian and Oliver, she black mailed them into letting her use Christian's boxing ring for a shoot of Germany's Next Top Model. I know.
While at the shoot, a famous boxing promoter discovers Christian, but thinks the models make him look like a "f-g". I don't even want to spell the word, so deal. This makes Christian want to make out with Ollie right there in front of him, but Ollie stops him b/c Christian has always wanted to be a boxer (?), and Ollie doesn't want Christian to give up his dream, and Christian agrees. Then the promoter tries to get Christian to take steroids, and the angst, the angst, my G-d, the angst. Fantastic. So, then they have sex (as you do) and then Gregor walks in on them, and there is much freaking out by both brothers, and it's so awesome, I can't even tell you. CAN'T EVEN TELL YOU. It's like, it's like an American Soap Opera, but one that has really bad roid rage and a coke habit.
And apparently, there's another German soap opera that involves lots models, and coke, and bisexuals. And that's the show.
Seriously, why am I only now hearing about this? I have to re-learn all my german so I can watch this. And, I must say, watching this? Has helped my German.
And in the interest of full disclosure, I've caught up on the last two months in about four days.