Crossing the Pond

Oct 22, 2007 17:57

Have you noticed how most things that start in Britian, but then come here usually end up sucking?
Like there was this show called Viva Laughlin. I say "was" because it was cancelled today after two episode.
If you want to watch something that makes you feel like your watching "The Office" but not intentionally. It's just...really, really terrible. Like, unbelievably terrible, the kind of terrible that makes you groan outloud, roll your eyes, and snort. It's so terrible, I can't even begin to tell you.
But in a kind of awesome way. Like a car accident, I couldn't look away. At all. So I'm kind of glad it got cancelled, because now I can not watch it legitimately, instead of being all "Oh, I don't watch that.
The really amazing thing about the terribleness that was "Viva Laughlin"? It was based on the awesome that was "Viva Blackpool". "Viva Blackpool" is a BBC show. It has the same basic premise as "Viva Laughlin" and the same gimmick-the characters will start sining along with an invisible radio, over classic songs ("Should I Stay or Should I Go" and "These Boots are Made for Walking" which are both AMAZING). THe actors aren't necessarily singning-you can hear the actors if you listen for them, but it's about the combination of the actors singing and the original or covered music. And then, the other actors would dance and do choreography, and they would fucking OWN IT. Admittedly, it doesn't hurt that David Tennant (The 10th Doctor) who I'm kind of obsessed with at the moment, is in it, and he's not just hot, he's hawwwwt. And it works. It works so well, and is amazing, and I want it on DVD, but of course, it's not really available in region 1 dvd, but I found it on e-bay, and I will get a universal DVD player so that I can watch this show. And Hogfather. And various other British tv that is not available in the US.
Fucking DVD region coding system.
So, I mean, it sounds ridiculous, and it kind of is, but Star Trek sounds ridiculous on paper. THe Office sounds ridiculous on paper. But they're awesome. Like, so awesome. And so is Viva Blackpool, because again, the actor own it. THey committed to the idea, and it shows, and it's wonderful.
Then there's Viva Laughlin, where the actors seem emberassed. They obviously don't want to be doing this, and it shows in the musical numbers. I mean, Melanie Griffith made me hate Debbie Harry. That's how terrible this show is. I now hate a Debbie Harry song, because of this show.
So, that's my tv rant. If I end up getting the Viva Blackpool DVD's I'll post how awesome the show actually is.
Oh, the Icon. It's Ianto JOnes from Torchwood, and the quote is from HIMYM.


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