Meme thingy...

Jan 05, 2008 05:26

spn_fridayfive! which I stole from 
misty_writescause it looked fun. Heh.

1.) Of the gag reels from season 1 and season 2 (if you still haven't seen them, you can find them on youtube), which scene was the most memorable to you? Why?
"I CAN'T! YOU CLOSED THE LATCH TOO MUCH! I CANNOT PHYSICALLY OPEN THIS WINDOW!" This was Misty's answer, but I have to agree. Jared’s sheer amusement/frustration and his “I’ll kick your little five-four ass!”

2.) Of all the other TV shows and/or movies Jared and Jensen have done, which is your favorite? Why?
Jared as Wade in House of Wax wins out for me. I liked the character of Alec in Dark Angel but there was always something about the show that kept me from adding it to the list of my fandoms. I liked Gilmore Girls until season three when  realised that they’d written Dean to shit on purpose just to fit Milo Ventiwonkymouth into their show.

3.) How do you feel about fans writing fan fiction (of any rating) that feature Jared and Jensen?
I do it so there is obviously no issue there. I also like to read RPF featuring the guys, and I think on the whole it’s well written and enjoyable. The reason I don’t have a personal issue with reading/writing RPF is that although I’m using their names, the situations I write in are usually so vastly different from their reality that realistically I’m only writing characters anyway. There’s just something more fun-loving and shiny about J2 as apposed to Wincest.

4.) What are your feelings about the music on Supernatural? Has it opened your eyes to an entirely new kind of music? Do you suddenly love classic rock? Or is it the classical episodic compositions (by Christopher Lennertz and the like) that have affected you? Or has the music not affected you at all?
The music of season one featured some songs that I really love and others that I’m not so keen on. Laugh, I Nearly Died by The Rolling Stones was featured in Bloody Mary and I almost wet myself because its in my top 5 favourite songs ever. HOWEVER the episodic compositions have so much more heart in them a lot of the time, and its not about picking and choosing songs for the scenes, its for creating music for that scene to mirror it. Besides, I love composed soundtracks anyway.

5.) If Supernatural were ever to become popular with the mainstream media (sort of like Grey's Anatomy or CSI is today), how do you think our show would affect the media and potential new viewers? What would you hope potential new viewers consider about Supernatural before and after watching it?
I really don’t understand how Jared and Jensen get no recognition for what they’re doing outside of fandom. I really don’t. Of course I love Kripke and co for bringing the show to us, but Jared and Jensen bring it to life in a way that I can’t imagine anybody else doing. Other actors who have more mainstream recognition (such as *cough*Welling*cough*) couldn’t dream of pulling off some of the scenes that our boys do, especially in the second season. ALL I WANT is for our boys to get what they deserve for all the amazing hard work they do. *weeps*

being a little random

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