Garrett Hedlund happens to be rather attractive. I feel a picspam coming on!
Now, now, I know he isn't Jared or Jensen, but damn it, he's pretty so I'm making a picspam! And I couldn't help but quickly mention our boys along the way...
...even if you have no idea who he is...clearly, you will not regret this study of a BEAUTIFUL MAN!
Though it should probably be noted that said picspam is kind of big.
I call Garrett 'Speff' for unknown reasons.
Big SnowSpeff!
He is TEH PRETTY! Admit it! (He also happens to be a rather talented young man.)
He manages to look shy and naughty at the same time!
Goddamn adorable son of a bitch.
He also happens to be TALL.
He is infact, the same height as Jensen (well, taller by half an inch)... imagine how little those guys would look next to JARED!
Even with a hat on, Andre 3000 doesn't quite match up to Speff.
It should also be noted, that Speffhead isn't apposed to shedding some muscle to play little brother to these guys!
And he looks damn cute!
...even if he does play a 3rd class Rock Star.
It should also be noted, that a wet Speff could cause heart problems...(and panty problems).
I guess the point is that whether he looks like this...
...or like this...
He is a mighty fine peice of man.
As evidenced here.
The End!
I hope you all enjoyed the show, please don't forget your parting gift just below, should you want it.
Made by me, a little Speff wallpaper for those inflicted by TEH PRETTY ZOMG!
Big kisses and such! XXX
Image sources:
GarrettHedlundFansite Gallery Sexy Icon courtesy of