Scouts Honor, I swear I Am Straight Chapter 3

Jul 01, 2012 20:45

Author: Kinkylittlered
Pairing: Shassie
Word Count: 2919
Warnings: Porn, Slash
Summary: Carlton Lassiter was not questioning his sexuality at all, especially not because of a certain psychic

(A/N: Fair warning I don’t have a beta reader, and I hate rereading my stories *hint* *hint*. I swear a plot is coming, I know this little series has been all sex so far…but there is a case coming in the next chapter. And more sex because I am a total perv)

Getting a blowjob was clearly a bit gay, but Carlton Lassiter could chalk that up to being sexually repressed. Going on a date with another man was different. Somehow sitting across from Spencer at an outdoor Italian restraint while making awkward small chat (mostly listening to Spencer make awkward small talk) was more intimate and therefore more gay, even if they hadn’t even ordered yet. Some part of Lassiter had come to terms with the fact that on some level he clearly wasn’t as straight of an arrow as he had assumed, but a bigger part of him was still resisting. All in all, Lassiter had finally accepted Shawn’s dinner invitation with full intentions of breaking the poor man’s heart.

“Lassie! Hellooo Mr. I’m-A-Bigshot-Detective-So-I’m-Completely-Ignoring-My-Date!” Shawn’s nagging voice snapped Lassiter out of his haze, but with the way the psychic’s lips were pouting perfectly he could feel himself being drawn to a more sexual daydream. Before it could catch hold, and before Shawn could turn him gay again, Lassiter cleared his throat.

“Spencer-Shawn, look I’ve been meaning to talk to you about-“

“Dumping me, I know. But here are my thoughts on this whole us being gay thing.” Shawn grinned when Lassiter turned red to the tips of his ears.

“Spencer shut up before someone hears you.” Lassiter growled, his eyes darting around.

“I think that if we are going to, um,” Shawn looked around and lowered his voice mockingly. “experiment, then we might as well go all the way.”

“Gay marriage isn’t even legal in this state.” Lassiter’s eyebrows pulled together and he leaned away. He wasn’t sure he would be ready to remarry anytime soon, let alone to a man.

“Uh but sodomy is. I don’t wanna get married man, I just want to have sex.” Shawn looked mildly amused at Lassiter’s assumption, but under the façade, Lassiter could see genuine fear. He couldn’t help but wonder what Shawn’s longest relationship was.

“Isn’t that what we have been doing?” Lassiter was growing frustrated, sure he understood the sodomy laws and what Spencer was hinting at, but in reality what they were doing before had counted as sex too.

“Yeah, and that was a big step, man. But I was doing some research and watching g-word porn and the guy on the bottom looked like he was having fun. I want to go all the way, Lassiepants. Come on, we can pretend we are back in high school and fumbling around, trying to lose out V-cards. This is really the only virginity I have left.”

“Spencer, we aren’t gay!” Lassiter’s voice was a bit loud and he cringed and leaned closer to Shawn. “I don’t see why you want to make this more complicated than it already is. Clearly we aren’t gay.”

“I think it is clear that we are a bit gay for each other. I mean if I was would have gone gay for Gus a long time ago, we practically live together, dude. It isn’t that I like cock, it is that I like your cock. I got off on sucking it, listening to the little sounds you make. Fuck I’d suck you off right here in front over everyone if I thought you would let me get away with breaking the law.” Shawn let one of his thighs fall to the side to touch Lassiter’s. “I just want you to fuck me, even if it is only once. Give a man something to remember.”

Lassiter could feel heat flash up his body, his stomach tingling as his cock grew harder in his dress pants. ‘That’s it’ he thought, ‘Spencer has turned me completely gay’. For a minute the panic began to build again and Lassiter had to keep from running. As he swallowed down his nerves he let the pounding of his blood answer his unasked question…he did in fact want Spencer. He wanted him bent over the kitchen counter begging for more while Carlton relentlessly pounded into him. Although being gay made no sense at all, being with Spencer did. The man was characteristically unreliable and flakey, meaning that Carlton’s long hours wouldn’t poison the relationship like it had with his marriage. Although he found Spencer annoying nearly all of the time, he could see how some of that might actually just be sexual tension.

“You’re over thinking this.” Shawn’s voice was smaller than normal, almost like the silence was making him insecure.

“You’re right, I am. Come on, Spencer.” Carlton pulled out his wallet and threw a five down as a tip for a meal they never got around to eating.

Shawn followed with his hands in front of his crotch, covering what Lassiter knew was a sizable bulge. The moment they exited the joint, Shawn’s hands grasped Lassiter’s hips, pulling him flush against the younger man. Shawn rocked his bulge into Lassiter’s thigh and let out a deep, yet quite moan. Lassiter lost himself in the sensation for a moment and the grabbed Spencer by forearm, which was about as close to holding hands with a guy as Carlton Lassiter was capable of going. The way that Shawn easily followed his lead, the almost submissive hunch of his shoulders sent shivers down the older man’s spine, and suddenly the few blocks to his house were almost too much.

Lassiter groaned and shoved Shawn into his car, biting back the urge to check her over for dents. Despite the fact that anyone could see them, or maybe because of it, Lassiter was hard and aching, rubbing his erection against Shawn’s and letting out a groan of his own. Shawn’s mouth attacked his, a crash of tongues and teeth. Lassiter couldn’t remember the last time a woman had kissed him with so much passion that it was tangible that she needed him inside of her. But with Shawn he could feel it in every desperate thrust of the man’s hips and with every aggressive kiss. Shawn’s hands roamed the detective’s clothes body, pulled at his shirt in a desperate attempt to reach skin.

“Get in the car Spencer.” Lassiter was tempted to take the younger man in the back seat, but the law demanded that he head home. Lassiter started the car, buckled in and began driving, probably faster than necessary.

“I got ya, Lassie.” Shawn didn't bother with his seat belt, and instead ducked down to free Lassiter’s aching cock. Before the older man could object, Shawn sucked him in and began deep throating. The several hours of quality time he had spent with a banana the night before clearly improved his skills, if Lassiter’s moans were any sign. The detective was gripping the steering wheel for dear life and letting out delicious sounds that made Shawn moan in return. Shawn swirled his tongue around the tip and began applying pressure to the vain, earning him several curses. Shawn couldn’t help but be disappointed when he blow job was cut off by the car pulling to a stop. Lassiter pulled him up by his hair and devoured his mouth for a moment before pulling away and unbuckling himself.

“In the house, Spencer.” Lassiter’s voice was deep and thick with desire and Shawn had to stop from coming on the spot.

Lassiter grabbed Shawn by the hand as soon as they both exited the car, and he knew without a doubt that he was totally and completely gay for Shawn Spencer. With a huff he dragged the younger man to the door, his hands shaking as he slipped the key into the lock. Almost as soon as the door was open he was pushing Shawn inside and slamming him against the front door. They rocked their hips together for a few minutes of perfect bliss and then Shawn pulled away.

“Sit down, Carlton.” The use of his actually name made Lassiter dizzy and he hastily backed up, practically falling onto the couch. Shawn ignored him for a moment while he slipped a CD Lassiter hadn’t noticed he had left during the last visit into the player. Suddenly George Michael was playing, asking for sex and Shawn began a hypnotic dance. It was smooth and all hips, a gentle sway to the music as he began to slowly unbutton his shirt. Lassiter cursed the layers that Shawn always seemed to wear, when instead of skin he was greeted by another shirt. He let out a groan when Shawn straddled his lap, his hips moving perfectly in time with the music, his ass grinding down against Lassiter’s protruding erection. Shawn let his button up slip off and Lassiter couldn’t resist slipping his hands under the remaining tee shirt, his eyes half lidding.

“No touching the dancers.” Shawn said, his voice shaking slightly as his hips continued to roll. Crossing his arms he removed his tee shirt, causing Lassiter to instantly lick at his left nipple. “Wow, uh god yeah, you really, fuck me, haven’t been to a strip club.”

Lassiter chuckled and trailed his hands down Shawn’s waist, leaving a trail of goose bumps. He cupped Shawn’s ass and lifted the younger man just high enough that Shawn could unbutton his jeans. Shawn pulled himself up and slowly circled his hips to the music as he slowly pulled his tight pants down. Lassiter growled and stood up, towering over Shawn. The young man wasted no time in letting his Batman boxers fall to the floor, Lassiter smirked at the pattern until his eyes drifted to Shawn’s flushed erection.

“You have way too many clothes on.” Shawn said before practically attacking Lassiter’s suit in a frantic attempt to detach the affronting fabric. Lassiter took his time loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt, enjoying the way that Shawn’s cock jumped in excitement as more skin became visible. The detective made quick work of stripping down, leaving him bare with exception of his nicest tie, which Spencer had adamantly insisted remain. Shawn reached for his pants and pulled out a sample size packet of lube and a condom. “Gotta open me up.”

Lassiter being the good and prudent citizen that he was stared at Shawn in mild confusion. He had never had anal sex with a woman, let alone a man. This was where experience as a gay lover came to an end, and a small flush of embarrassment and insecurity painted his features. Shawn’s eyes twinkled mischievously and leaned in to kiss away the frown tugging on his lover’s lips.

“I’ll show you.” Shawn said against Lassiter’s lips, letting go and flopping onto the floor. Lassiter couldn’t help but be amazed by how comfortable in his skin Shawn was, the way he shamelessly let his legs fall apart. Lassiter fell to his knees, perching himself between Shawn’s legs. Unable to resist he ran his hands down the younger man’s thighs, causing them to quiver.

“What do” Carlton licked his lips, growing anxious as they entered the unknown.

“According to the Internet you need to, um.” Watching porn and explaining how to do something were totally different, even for a loud mouth like Shawn. He swallowed hard, causing his Adam’s apple to bob before ripping the packet of lube to place a few dots of the liquid on his fingers. Shawn arched his back enough that he could reach his hole and slipped a finger in. He had spent most of the night before practicing for this exact moment, but he still couldn’t keep his hand from trembling. Fortunately, Lassiter seemed to get with the program and took the lube from Shawn to slick his own fingers.

“Here, let me.” Sure, he was having a bit of a panic attack because sticking your fingers up another man’s ass was really, super duper gay. It wasn’t the sort of thing he could write off, but the insecure and nervous shake of Shawn’s hands was more than enough to pull him out of his panic. He wanted this, he wanted Shawn and he wasn’t going to let something as silly as sexual orientation get in the way.

Lassiter pumped himself up, after all in some ways Shawn was now his partner, though clearly not his boyfriend, and you didn’t let your partner enter a dangerous situation without back up. Lassiter drizzled the lubricant over his fingers and circled one around Shawn’s hole, staring as the digit disappeared inside of Shawn. The younger man was unbelievably tight and as Lassiter began to move he could feel him clench. Without meaning to a moan slipped out as the detective imagined being encased by the tight, burning flesh.

“Hurry up, add another. Want you.” Shawn panted out in frustration, rolling his hips eagerly.

“Spencer, I’m trying to take this slow. I don’t want to hurt you.” Lassiter growled, slowly pushing in another finger and cringing when Shawn hissed.

“’S good, Carlton the least you can do is call me Shawn when you have your fingers up my ass.” Shawn let out a huffy chuckle that died as soon as Lassiter began to scissor his fingers. “Fuck, again baby.”

“I’m going to let the baby thing go this one time.” Lassiter said with a shake of his head as he stroked against the small gland again, causing Spencer moan loudly.

“Come on, another. I want you in me.” Lassiter was quickly to follow instructions, the way Shawn moaned and begged for his cock was beyond hot. With the women Lassiter had taken to bed it was usually quite and individual, the only time people begged for penetration was during porn. Lassiter couldn’t help but want to savor this new development. He pushed in a third finger and quickly worked to stretch Shawn, pressing against his prostate whenever pain flickered across his features.

“’M good.” Shawn said as he ripped open a condom, reaching down to slide it onto Lassiter’s firm flesh. “Need you.”

Carlton nodded, but didn’t move. His nerves were coming back full force and he suddenly wasn’t sure if he could do it. Then Shawn’s lips were against his, pulling him down so that they were chest to chest. The more he kissed Shawn the more frenzied Lassiter became, all of the lust that had been building suddenly slamming into his gut. Lassiter pulled away long enough to stare down into Shawn’s eyes, suddenly realizing how intimate all of this was.

“Carlton, don’t be Whitney Huston, just fuck me.” Shawn snaked a hand between their bodies and lined Carlton up. Pulling his knees to his chest, Shawn nodded at Lassiter, who in turn rolled his hips. Shawn’s eyes slammed closed, Lassiter’s nearly rolled into the back of his head. The detective had to fight from coming just from the tightness clenching around his cockhead. Shawn’s legs wrapped around his waist and pushed him deeper, as soon as he bottomed out his forehead fell against Shawn’s. “Fuck yeah, so perfect. Knew you’d feel good. Been thinking about having you in me since you came on my face.”

Lassiter groaned and began thrusting, slowly at first but his speed picked up when Shawn began to enthusiastically kiss him, practically devouring his lips. Lassiter pulled back and slammed into Shawn, earning him a deep moan. Lassiter picked up the pace, angling his hips and slamming into Shawn’s sweet spot with every push in and every pull out. The man under him was practically writhing, his fingers clawing into Lassiter’s back as he rocked back against him.

“Carlton, please…harder. You gotta,” Shawn was panting, licking and biting at Lassiter’s neck. “Please.”

“Got ya, baby.” Lassiter was so out of it he rocked harder, desperate for release.

Shawn moaned at the pet name, and wrapped a hand around his own aching cock. A few rough tugs and he was spilling between their bodies, his ass clenching tight around Lassiter. Lassiter gave a few final sporadic thrusts, Shawn sliding across the carpet under him. Lassiter moaned and fell against Shawn, his breath coming out in puffs against Shawn’s neck. Shawn ran a hand through Lassiter’s short hair, his legs still wrapped around his lover.

“Perfect, so perfect.” Lassiter huffed, pulling out slowly with a slight, but clearly manly whimper.

“I’m pretty sure I have rug burns everywhere. So worth it.” Shawn pulled himself up onto his elbows and stared at Lassiter as he removed the condom and tossed it in the trash. “This was all pretty gay, you even called me baby. Are you ready to admit we are dating?”

“We aren’t dating we are just…and I did not call you baby.”

“Friends with benefits? And, uh, pretty sure you moaned baby.” Shawn filled in, a smirk pulling on his lips.

“What? No, we aren’t friends we are just…” Lassiter retrieved his boxers and pulled them back on, awkwardly shuffling.

“Lovers, it’s cool baby. You’ll admit you liiike me eventually.” Shawn laughed and pulled his own boxers on. He held out his arm, “Help me up, I think I’m broken.”

“We aren’t…just stop labeling things.” Lassiter took Shawn’s hand and helped him up, the younger man surprised him with a chaste kiss.
mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";
JA;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA">“Says the king of labels. Let’s go snuggle and watch cops.” Lassiter huffed but didn’t argue, he even let Shawn take his hand.

shassie, slash, psych, shawn

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