Curiosity Killed the Psychic Postlude

Dec 21, 2011 00:16

Title: Curiosity Killed the Psychic
Author: kinkylittlered
Rating: M
Warnings: Slash
Summary: Shawn has taken a liking to the head detective Carlton Lassiter, who claims to be perfectly straight. But, desperate times call for desperate measures, and Shawn is willing to go to any extreme to get his man. Along the way butterflies hint at buried feelings between Shawn and Gus...add in two cases, cross dressing, spin the bottle and it all equals insanity.
Authors Notes: I barely got this done on time and I didn't have a beta, so all mistakes are my own. Comments are love. P.S
beatlemaniac9 came up with the title for this <3 Art was made by
reapertownusa, so a big thanks to her! This story was for

mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“When you left me after graduation I thought I was going to die of heartbreak.” Gus confessed as they watched Some Kind of Wonderful for the millionth time. He was curled up against his boyfriend’s chest, drawing patterns on his bare stomach with the pad of his finger.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“I…left because I had been struggling with my feelings for you since puberty. After the kiss I became certain that you didn’t want to be with me and it was hard to take the rejection, so I ran. It is how I have always dealt with problems.” Shawn ran his fingers over Gus’ perfectly oiled scalp, trying to sooth away the past pain.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“I was scared that you didn’t want me, so I never mentioned the kiss. If you had rejected me I’m pretty sure I would have died.” Gus couldn’t help but cringe at the ache that always followed thoughts of Shawn rejecting him.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Gus, I love you. I’m not going anywhere, except maybe to get more popcorn because we are running dangerously low. I’ll be back in a sec.” Shawn untangled himself from Gus and slipped into the kitchen.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">            The last few months of the relationship had been going to smoothly that Shawn couldn’t help but think about the future. On a whim he bought to tickets to Canada and a platinum ring. The fear of being rejected held him back from popping the question that should have been asked years ago. Shawn slipped the ring and open case into the popcorn bowl, hiding it under a few kernels. After a few calming breaths he returned to the living room, slipping back into his spot next to his hopefully soon to be husband.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Here.” Shawn handed the bowl to Gus, his heart slamming in his chest as his friend reached in to take a few buttery kernels.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Shawn, what is this?” Gus asked, staring at the glimmering ring with wide, amazed eyes.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“I bought some tickets to Canada, I just…ever since we got married all those years ago I have wanted to dress up and stand before an actual priest with you. I can’t live without you, and I want the world to know that. I want you to know that.” Shawn’s hand trembled slightly as he retrieve the ring and slipped off the couch onto one knee. “Will you be my husband?”
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“I hope the second marriage is the charm.” Gus grinned, holding his hand out for Shawn to slip the ring on.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“So do I, so do I.” Shawn grinned and leaned up to seal his lips over Gus’, their tongues dancing together desperately.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Need you.” Gus whispered against Shawn’s wet lips, rubbing their noses together.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Always want you, you drive me fucking crazy.” Shawn pulled at his fiancés’ shirt, desperately needing to touch him. Touching Gus never grew old, he loved mapping out the expanse of dark perfect flesh. Shawn, still kneeling on the ground, licked up Gus’ chest, stopping to worship each dusty nipple while his hand teasingly rubbed against his lover’s hardening member. The sounds slipping from Gus’ mouth were straight out of a porno, sending chills down Shawn’s spine, ensuring that the teasing would come to an end sooner than he would like.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Shawn, please.” Gus was never sure what he was begging for, just that he needed it so desperately that it physically hurt to go without it. Shawn was a surprisingly generous lover; most of his concentration went to getting his lover to the edge and bringing him back until he begged for release. Sometimes it almost seemed like cuming was just a bonus for Shawn.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“I got you, baby.” Shawn whispered as he pulled himself from the floor, moving to stand in front of his lover. Shawn clicked play on the remote to the iHome, moving his hips seductively as he slipped his belt off dramatically.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Shit, strip for me.” Gus watched with wide, electric eyes as Shawn slowly unfastened each button, his hips moving slowly to the sound of Frank Sinatra. Shawn didn’t show off the skills he had earned as a chip and dale very often but when he did Gus couldn’t look away. It was almost hypnotizing the way that Shawn moved, his entire body giving into the slow rhythm.  Slowly he let his shirt drop to the ground, undoing his button and dragging the fly to his jeans down slowly while his hips moved. Gus was torn between wanting it to go on forever, and wanting to rip the remaining clothes off to ravage his groom. Gus rubbed at his painful erection tenting his khaki pants, eager for any form of relief. Shawn slowly let his pants drop to the floor, kicking them off with boyish finesse. Shawn thick cock tented his Frankie Says Relax boxers, making the words difficult to read.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">            Shawn teasingly pulled down the side of his boxers before reaching inside to stroke his hard, dripping cock. Gus made a manly squeak, quickly pulling his own clothes off and sending them flying in all directions, earning a husky chuckle from his lover. They both stared at each other for a moment, taking in their partner’s exposed flesh with glazed eyes. Shawn finally let his boxers fall to the floor, and moved to sit on the couch, nodding towards his lap.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Want you to ride me.”
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Hell yeah.” Gus flipped a leg over Shawn, moving to straddle the man while Shawn reached over to pull lube from the coffee table drawer.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Just me, don’t want anything separating us.” Thus far they had never gone bare, hot skin to hot skin; protection had always seemed pertinent. Shawn had recently confirmed that he was clean and was eager to feel the tight, scorching muscle around his cock.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Yeah, just you.” Gus reached around to position Shawn at his entrance, relieved that they had sex often enough that he rarely needed prepped, unless Shawn was using it as foreplay.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">            Shawn rolled his hips up just enough to slip inside, his breath coming out in hot pants as he watched his lover impale himself on nine inches of thick cock. Gus pulled Shawn all the way inside, his thighs coming to rest on Shawn’s. For a moment all they could do was kiss, too lost in the feelings to move. Then Gus was pulling himself up and slamming back down, his hips rolling perfectly. Shawn attached himself to a dusky nipple, moaning around it with each tiny thrust up. Shawn had always fucked women, but he made love to Gus, taking the time to leave purple marks all along the skin to prove that this was all his. Gus was always talking during sex, words falling from his lips as though he had taken a truth serum and Shawn lived for every word. The world was spinning, his balls were tightening so Shawn reached a hand around Gus’ dark cock and began to jack it with long pulls, his thumb swiping over the tip. Around him hot walls of muscle began to flutter and contract as Gus’ cum covered their chests, insisting that Shawn spill inside of his man. They had found bliss, bodies locked together covered in cum, inside and out for Gus, and lips almost touching as they shared breaths. Gus was the only person that Shawn wasn’t afraid to commit to because really he was the only sure thing in Shawn’s crazy, out of control life.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Do you Burton Guster take Shawn Spencer to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love him in sickness and in health, to comfort him, honor him and at all times be faithful to him?” The priest, dressed as Elvis, stared at Shawn who was not dressed as Elvis.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“I do.” Shawn smiled, his lips pulling up so much that his cheeks actually hurt.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Do you Shawn Spencer take Burton Guster to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love him in sickness and in health, to comfort him, honor him and at all times be faithful to him?”
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“I do.” Gus was attempting to look serious but his small smile was clear evidence of the over whelming happiness he was feeling.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Mr. Guster place the ring on Shawn’s finger and repeat after me. I, Burton Guster, take you Shawn Spencer to be my husband, to love and cherish you from this day forth.” Gus repeated each word, emotion thick in his voice as he slipped the ring onto Shawn’s finger.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Mr. Spencer place the ring on Shawn’s finger and repeat after me. I, Burton Guster, take you Shawn Spencer to be my husband, to love and cherish you from this day forth.” Shawn trembled slightly as he placed the ring on Gus’ finger.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“You may now kiss your groom.” Shawn leaned in and kissed Gus, his hands on either side of the man’s face as Gus wrapped his arms around Shawn. The crowd, mostly made up of family and cops, cheered happily.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Mine.” Shawn whispered against Gus’ lips, leaning in for another small kiss.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“I’ve always been yours” Gus stared into Shawn’s ever changing eyes for a brief moment and then turned to face the crowed, fingers entwined with his husband’s.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Congratulations Shawn, don’t screw this up kid.” Henry Spencer grinned as he said the words, but the threat was serious.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Dad. Thankfully, I have Gus here to keep me in line.” Shawn dropped Gus’ hand to hug his father, the familiar stress that always accompanied seeing the man faded in wake of the immense happiness he was feeling. Henry Spencer let go over his son and hugged his new son, who had thankfully kept his own name.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Good luck with this one.” Henry laughed as he pulled apart from Gus, a smile tugging on his lips.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“I’ve had years to learn to deal with him.” Gus winked and moved to hug his mother, who was crying.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“I still think that you should have met a nice young girl to settle down with, I don’t see why it had to be this way. I know it was hard waiting but you would have found her eventually.” Gus’ mom was the only one really struggling to accept that Gus had decided to marry a man.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Mom, I never met a nice girl because I was waiting for Shawn.” Gus hugged his mom tighter, his heart breaking slightly.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“I just wanted grandchildren is all.” His mom pulled away, tears running down her cheeks.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Actually, Mrs. Guster Juliet agreed to be a segregate mother for us. As soon as we are ready we can begin trying for kids.” Shawn grinned as he told her the news, which they had been waiting to share with everyone at a later occasion. “But, it is a secret so don’t tell anyone.”
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Really? Gr-grandchildren.” Mrs. Guster cried even more, although Shawn was pretty sure it was out of relief and happiness. Mr. Guster comforted his wife with one hand and clapped Shawn on the shoulder with the other.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Welcome to the family, son.”
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Thank you, sir.” Shawn wasn’t quite sure what to say so he turned to hug all of the people lining up for hugs. His mother threw her arms around him, her own tears streaming down her face.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“I’m so proud of you, you picked a good man. I always hoped you two would end up together.” Shawn’s mom gave him one last squeeze and then stepped aside to greet Gus.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Spencer.” Lassiter stared at Shawn and then held his hand out for him to shake it.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Lassiepants.” Shawn shook Lassiter’s hand and then pulled him into a surprise hug, earning him an annoyed grunt. “Listen I wanted to thank you for helping me see what I was missing. Gus has always been my world, I just didn’t know I was his.”
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“I’m just glad that you aren't exposing yourself to me anymore. That was frightening. Oh, I want you to meet my date.” Lassiter motioned a stunning woman over, and she flashed Shawn a massive smile. “She is a lawyer.”
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“I’m Katrina.” She held out a delicate hand for Shawn to shake and he couldn’t help but chuckle as he stared at the two of them together.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“So, I guess this means you really are straight.” Shawn grinned as he shook his head, secretly slightly amazed.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“I kept trying to tell you.” Lassiter rolled his eyes and placed his hands on the small of his date’s back, guiding her towards Gus.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Shawn I am so happy for you and Gus!” Juliet said as she pulled him inn for what felt like the millionth hug that evening.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Thanks Jules.” Shawn wrapped his arms around the tiny lady, picking her up for a moment while they hugged before setting her down. For a while Shawn had wondered if he would end up with the blonde knock out, and truthfully if it weren’t for his feelings for Gus he may have.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“When you and Gus get back from vacation we can talk about the secret.” Juliet had offered when she had over heard Gus talking about wanting children. It had come as a slight surprise at first, but both men couldn’t think of a better mother for their child.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Thank you so much again, you really…I mean that is above and beyond the call of friendship.” Shawn pulled her in for another hug, his own excitement boiling over.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“Of course, I know you are both going to be great parents. Although, you are going to have to start taking fewer risks, no more luring bad guys into traps. You’ll finally have to leave that up to the professionals.” Juliet grinned, knowing that Shawn would never stop taking risks.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“I’m having a vision…never going to happen. Gus already made me get rid of my bike, I can’t get rid of all of the risks or I am going to end up a boring psychic having boring visions.” Gus grinned as he stared over at Gus. “But for him it might be worth it.”
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“You are the cutest couple I have ever seen.” Juliet sighed as she stared at Shawn.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“What can I say, he brings out my romantic side. I didn’t even know I had a romantic side until he found me.” Shawn grinned, a small blush painting his cheeks.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“I hope I find what you guys have someday.” Juliet smiled and slipped away to talk to a cute man she had been eyeing all evening.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">            Gus slipped behind Shawn, wrapping his arms around Shawn while he leaned on his shoulder. They enjoyed the moment and then moved to the center of the dance floor to share their first dance as a married couple. Peter Gabriel seemed to be the only proper song and as they gentle melody began to play Shawn and Gus slipped into each other’s arms, dancing a slow waltz. Everyone gathered around to watch the happy couple dance, but for Shawn and Gus it was like they were dancing alone in the clouds. The fog machine had been Shawn’s idea, but Gus had liked the dramatic affect it had on the dance number. The music came to an end and Shawn and Gus moved to cut the cake, which was a massive number three tiers and black flowers. Shawn had wanted a more unique cake but Gus has looked at him with his best wounded puppy dog eyes look and Shawn had practically melted.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">            Shawn and Gus both took hold of the knife and cut the cake while the crowd cheered them on. Of course, they fed each other bites and snuggled together while Henry finished cutting the cake and loading the china with slices. It all felt too good to be true, for a moment Shawn was convinced that he was dreaming and would wake up in bed alone, like he had a million times before. He gripped Gus’ hand and sealed his lips over his husband’s, needing to prove that it was real. Gus pulled away after a moment and stood to face the crowd, clinking his fork against his glass.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“I want to thank you all for flying to Canada, I know that it was a long trip, but hopefully it was worth it. Shawn and I…we’ve spent years building up to this moment and we are both so happy to share it with everyone.” Gus held up his glass of champagne and toasted with Shawn, looping their arms to sip champagne the romantic way. “Shawn this was perfect. I…thank you for not doing the robot on the dance floor. I know you really wanted to do a unique dance number, but I think we have plenty of time for that during the flash mob in New York.”
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“I do really like flash mobs, it seemed like a fair deal.” Shawn smiled and kissed his lover for the millionth time that night.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“As long as we get to go to the planetarium.” Gus said against Shawn’s lips, his lips pulling into a bright smile.
mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">“I have a little surprise for you. I got tickets to the Spelling Bee nationals.” Shawn laughed as Gus did a small happy dance. “You amaze me sometimes.”
“You know that’s right.” When they kissed the world melted away again into their own private heaven, a place where reality was better than dreaming, and really isn’t that the best kind of happily ever after?


gus, slash, psych, shawn, comedy

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