Well I guess it's time I got back to updating this little hunk of junk! I've missed you guys!
Unfortunately I've beenm signed off of working for quite some time with anxiety and depression and didn't want to flood LJ land with upset over that. The last thing you want is posts from little old me declaring 'Oh lords! I've lost my mind!' So be glad, I saved you!
I have now been married over half a year and couldn't be happier! Paul is a wonderful husband and I'm still all mushy with happiness! The wedding and honeymoon were amazing and photo type things can be seen
here. Other than that I've been trying to keep myself busy while I relearn that the outside isn't as scary as my brain keeps telling me it is so I've been doing a lot of things;
*I ressurected my love of cartoon dolls -
My Site (it has sexy pirates!)
*I started to listen to a lot of J-Rock (all my new friend Yumeko's fault - I swear!)
*I've been roleplaying a lot.
*I've also been running some roleplay - I'm now running a D&D group through the Age of Worms which is nifty. I also set up an RP forum with an online friend that you should all join - it has people with powers, what more do you want? Clink the link:
So yah! Long story short - I live. Any questions?