Jul 04, 2006 01:04
Well, the shittiest of things happened...I worked some magik to get me a job and apparently it wasn't meant to be...even though it was the perfect thing for me, with more money doing only the fun stuff I do now, in a gay friendly atmosphere, closer to home, with casual wear, less stress and a 40 hour work week...DAMN IT! I ended up losing to someone internal that I'm sure they can pay less and eventually get to my coolness. Anyways, back to the drawing board of looking for a way out.
Went and saw Superman Returns. I'm still not sure how I liked it. The jury's still out. There were parts that were very good and parts that seemed to drag on forever. There were some cooly things in the movie that can not be revealed at this time. I wanted to see it on the IMAX but all the shows were sold out so we missed our 20 minutes of 3D footage.
I went to work today and was bored out of my mind. We had a skeleton crew and it was dead. They did bother to go ahead and over order chicken for lunch. All the sides were gone by the time I got downstairs...hogs! Anyway, I got some chicken to take home for dinner and then didn't eat dinner because I was busy cooking sides for a July 4th outing with some friends. That should be fun.
Other than that, I've been slowly working my novel that I've decided to write. I'm still having difficulty deciding how to finish the novel (an ending that leads into another book, or wrap up the current novel in one book?) We shall see. Maybe my weird ass dreams lately will shed some light.
Missing the Rene much. I have been thinking about her much on her boating excursion. My best friend has finally gotten out on his own, with his son that is. He's moving on and will turn lemons into lemonade!