(no subject)

Mar 03, 2005 17:09

A - Age you got your first kiss: 9

B - Band listening to right now: J to the Lo

C - Crush: Kermin!

D - Dad's name: Brad

E - Easiest person to talk to: depends on what I feel like talking aboot.

F - Favorite bands at the moment: none

G - Gummy bears or gummy worms: worms

H - Hometown: FG, OR

I - Instruments: BAH

K - Kids: Gross

L - Longest car ride ever: Oregon to Illinois

M - Mom's name: Debra

N - Nicknames: Esi Anne, Les, Lessalee, Uschi

O - One wish: for Kermin

P - Phobia[s]: Television sets after seeing The Ring.

Q - Quote: "_____" is such a hottie.

R - Reason to smile: lots of reasons!

S - Song you sang last: Get Right by J to the Lo

T - Time you woke up [today]: 6:23

U - Unknown fact about me: when I'm lonely, I eat chocolate and watch Lifetime.

V - Vegetable you hate: green beans

W - Worst habit(s): bossyness

X - X-rays you've had: teeth

Y - Yummy food: Rolos

Z - zodiac sign: Libra
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