Oct 10, 2007 08:46
Well I dint think anyone was on Live journal anymore. But I see there are still a few. So I thought I would post here and on myspace. As some of you know I am going in the hospital tomorrow. I am a little scared but who wouldn’t be, right? For those of you who didn’t know. I have a cyst on my ovary… A pretty big one too. So they are going to remove my ovaries and do an exploratory thingy. I had cervical cancer last year and now they are scared that this might be some more. So now you can see why I am scared. Plus I have both my kidneys in my pelvis. And the right on is kissing my right ovary. So it is going to be tricky getting the ovary out without damaging the kidney. So I am more scared of losing a kidney than it being cancer. I look at it like this.. Cancer can be removed or fought. But losing a kidney…well I would never be the same. I have diabetes and diabetes effects the kidneys. So if I am left with one.. Just how long before it starts to give out. I don’t like to think about it...ewww. Anyways. Mike is a nervous wreck. I think is more scared than me. And I am the one being cut back open. The kids have told me their concerns as well. They are just scared that I will be in the hospital like last time. 2MONTHS. I don’t think so. It is the same doctor that did it last time. I look at it like this. He messed up last time. No doctor wants to mess up like that. SO I think this time he will be extra careful. He has told me he will be doing a scope to check everything before he closes me up. SO I am sure I will be fine. Its just the kidney and cancer thing that gets me. But I will leave it in Gods hands. I have prayed that he will watch over me and my family during this time. I ask that you, my friends do the same. I would greatly appreciate it. Well wish me luck…I will be at Gauthier campus if anyone would like to come visit. I will be there till Monday or Tuesday. Hope all is better on your side. Hugs and kisses.