Apr 22, 2008 22:07
Found this on my truck windshield just off the Drive on Sunday:
God's wrath... will destroy those
who destroy the earth.
Revelation 11:18
And on the other side:
did you seek to be envied today?
oversized, overstuffed houses
mal-mart dreams and drive-thru lives
these are the foundations of our economy
for these we have become gluttons and braggarts
for these we exploit and butcher each other
for these we destroy the earth
live simply, care for each other, care for the earth
these are the will of God.
It was printed on shiny business-card size thick card; in two different colours.
Is shiny paper recyclable? Isn't two colours extravagant? Is it really necessary to spend the money to print thousands of these and paper the vehicles on a street? The ground was littered with them. Excessive waste.
Me smells a hypocrite.
Even, though I do agree with the overall message minus the ram-the-God-crap down my throat.
Religious zealots and nutjobs come in all colours, it seems.
Now...in Eco-terrorist Green!