N.Italy/ S. Italy - Feliciano to be in love with his older brother and doesn't know how to deal with it.
link N. Italy/ S. Italy - the Italy brothers are split apart when they get dissolved and reborn into two independent states: "Padania" (formerly Veneziano/North) and "Ausonia" (formerly Romano/South).
link Germany/S. Italy - South Italy finally forces himself to send Spain an invitation to dinner, but Germany is accidentally invited instead.
link S.Italy/ N. Italy - Getting into a fist fight at a world meeting! The fight gets so bad that the brothers start purposely pulling on each others erogenous zones to try and embarrass the other.
link Grandpa Rome/N. Italy/S. Italy - Grandpa Rome magically comes to visit his cute Italies.
link Germany/S. Italy - Lovino has a crush on Germany but too stubborn to admit it.
link Spain/S.Italy - Reunion sex after South Italy falls under allied control.
link S.Italy/N. Italy + Spain- Romano really can't bring himself to admit that he loves his brother, and builds his relationship with Spain to try and get over it. Then Feliciano takes matters into his own hands to see why Romano keeps avoiding him.
link Spain/S. Italy - Antonio being so stressed over something and taking it all out on Lovino.
link Spain/S. Italy - Antonio discovers the Delicious Tomato song and listens to it.
link Spain/S. Italy + France/Prussia - The Bad Touch Trio is bored. They decide a vacation would be wonderful, but they don't have any money... So they rob a bank.
link Spain/S. Italy - Spain tries to stay steady while topping a heavily-pregnant, horny, and even more volatile Romano.
link Spain/S. Italy - How do these two very religious countries deal with being gay?
link Spain/S. Italy + Argentina - Argentina as their child.
link Switzerland/S. Italy.
link Prussia/S. Italy/N. Italy - Prussia has a secret kink for twincest and wants a threesome.
link Spain/ fem!S.Italy - Lovina is trying incredibly hard to make a move on the incredibly oblivious Spain.
link S.Italy/N. Italy/Hungary - Sex in the Ancient World.
link Russia/S. Italy - Corruption, mind games.
link England/S. Italy - Based on
this fanart: pirate!Arthur kidnaps Romano and does nasty things to him as revenge for Spain.
link Russia/S. Italy - Russia using his pipe on Romano.
link Spain/S. Italy - A broken Romano with Spain healing him.
link S. Italy + Spain/mpreg!America - Spain is all doting toward a heavily pregnant America, but Romano really does not appreciate the situation.
link Spain/S. Italy - General prompt: Country A & Country B have a really sweet, fluffy established relationship, and everything is going well except for the fact that Country A is dying and deliberately hides it from everyone, especially Country B. Knowing that he has a limited amount of time left, Country A tries to do as much as possible with Country B, and secretly keeps a video diary of sorts to give to Country B.
link Spain/S. Italy - Crossover His Dark Materials.
link S.Italy/N. Italy + America/Canada & Prussia/Germany - Brothers orgy.
link HRE/S. Italy + Spain/Chibitalia - So what if in the beginning, Romano went to live with Austria, and Chibitalia with Spain?
link Spain/S.Italy - Spain gets it into his head that Romano hates his guts: he is heartbroken by this "revelation" and starts avoiding Romano...
link S.Italy/Spain - Spain is sick and Romano takes care of him.
link Prussia/S.Italy + Spain - Competing against each other to gain Spain's attention.
link Spain/N.Italy/S.Italy - After kidnapping Veneziano and drugging both the brothers, Spain has finally his way with them.
link Spain/S.Italy - After allowing same-sex marriage, Spain confesses to Romano.
link N.Italy/S.Italy - Feliciano and Lovino fighting over the Regions that are more so in the center of Italy (Umbria, Marche, Lazio, and Abruzzo).
link S.Italy/Liechtenstein - First time.
link Spain/S.Italy - Shotacon.
link N.Italy/S.Italy - March on Rome.
link Spain/S.Italy - Spain serenading Romano with Te Quiero (DJ Flex) or Hero (Enrique Inglesias).
link Spain/S.Italy - AU: Lovino is 14-16 years old and Antonio is a 20/30-something family friend, and they're in a secret, but consensual, relationship.
link Spain/S.Italy - Stuffing/feeding combined with optional smut.
link S.Italy/fem!Prussia - Romano seducing Prussia like a true Italian should seduce a woman (giving flowers, going on a dates etc...).
link Germany/S.Italy - An heartbroken Romano somehow ends up seeking comfort from Germany, intentionally or not.
link S.Italy - After some incident in which his feelings are very badly hurt, Romano decides to work hard at proving himself. And this time he doesn't give up but actually manages to win some respect.
link S.Italy/Belgium - Lovino is friendly and kind to women and uses that to his advantage when he is pickpocketing. Belgium catches him in the act and the only way he can think of weaseling his way out is to do a sudden love confession.
link Spain/S.Italy - Demanding bottom, maid!Romano.
link Spain/S.Italy - Antonio turned on by Lovino in Mafia attire (pinstripe suit + fedora).
link S.Italy/N.Italy - The Italians are lady killers.
link Spain/little!S.Italy - General request: A Nation as a child, scared or sick or worried, and being comforted by their caretaker Nation.
link England/S.Italy/N.Italy - Threesome: England captured by Italy Brothers strip.
link Spain/S.Italy - Messina earthquake.
link S.Italy/Canada+ America/N.Italy - Double date.
link Germany/S.Italy - Romano gets a crush on Germany and hates himself for it. Germany notices and decides to take action.
link France/Spain/S.Italy - Romano walks in on France and Spain having sex. They convince him to join in.
link S.Italy+ Spain/Austria or Spain/France - Teenage Romano realizes Spain has a romantic/sex life with another nation, like Austria during all those long Hapsburg marriage years or France after the Spanish Succession war.
link Little!S.Italy/little!America - Spain, one of the earliest explorers of the new world, takes grumpy little South Italy on a trip to the early Americas for exploring purposes. Romano meets America but mistakes him for a girl.
link S.Italy/Spain - Romano seducing priest!Spain in a church.
link S.Italy/N.Italy vs America/Canada - Romano gets pissed when he hears Spain admits he likes blonde twins, if he's in a threesome: N. Italy and S. Italy challenge Canada and America to a ...Twin off!
link Spain/S.Italy - Child-rearing.
link S.Italy/N.Italy/America/Canada.
link fem!S.Italy/fem!N.Italy - Sisterly bonding.
link Spain/S.Italy - General request: watching porn together.
link Spain/S.Italy - Romano realizes that loves Spain (Spain has already made his own affection clear by this point), but will never ever be able to admit it, let alone do anything about it, if he has to see Spain's expression, due to his pride and embarrassment. So he does the most logical thing he can think of: he turns off the lights one evening and proceeds to communicate his feelings in as many nonverbal ways he can think of.
link Spain/S.Italy - Tomatina.
link Spain/S.Italy vs Germany/N.Italy - Newlyweds game.
link England/S.Italy - Their sheer Tsundere cancels each other's out, resulting in the most lovey-dovey couple you will ever see.
link S.Italy/Prussia - Mafia.
link Sealand/S.Italy.