Dec 10, 2001 18:49
Heres beccas 50 things to do in the holidays, i'll post holly's once shes done em 4 me...
1) see how many people we can fit in a phone box, i think our record so far is 12...we can beat it if we try hard enough! just imagine the kinda looks passers by are gunna give us when we r elbowing people into a phone box! lol!
2) busk on the street with a sign saying 'stupid and talentless, please donate' tom and his geezas did that with pots and pans, so if we manage to get an acoustic...and i could borrow jenny's bongos! hehhehheh, we'll have people fleeing from the town!
3) Get all da vintry cru to go into mcdonalds. And stay there. Even get a few to stand outside... see if the townies even start on us. although i dont think they would with the WHOLE of the vintry cru there. as they r scared of most of us!
4) Get rid of all the wannabies...should take a long time.. but what a worthwhile mission it will ve! we can be assumed weird and completely freakish once more...
5) Pierce ears. Lots of them. Haven't done that 4 ages. And i can't be that bad cuz ppl only bleed sumtimes and when they do its only a couple of drops! Maybe i could be a piercist for a living...
6) Get a tattoo! of stars around my wrist, identical to tobey's from snake river conspiracy. Found out the other day u only need a course in art and design to be a tattoo artist! Class!
7) Get pissed. That may sound easy....only alcopops! That could take me a while cuz i am such a heavyweight on alcohol....NOT.
8) Get MONGED. So monged that i cant that i get into euphoria......ahhhh that'd be heaven.
9) Learn to roll (fags and reefs as it may come in useful one day)
10) Make another pink book, fill with doodles and crap, like the other one but make sure it doesn't fall apart
11) Get @ least 10 ppl in a photo booth. Photo results! Frame results!
12) Go and see sheiBe pop groups, s-club, five (ALAS NO MORE!) maybe nonono.
13) Braid someones hair all perdy and brightly coloured with beads, glitter and spray!
14) Learn the words to sisters are doin it 4 themselves. get renna to as well. perform in public.
15) start a franchise that is simular to joes but not quite it...make it last more than 10 hours...dont let tugger buy it out.
16) Persuade some drunken hobo to change his name to santa claus.
17) Play wembley. Or the pioneer. Either way...
18) Pass out for a while from an american dream....i want one! now!
19) Go to kings cross thameslink station and do the whole smile speech again.
20) Spend a day in trafalgar square talking in a made-up language to complete strangers!
21) Make enough pancakes with lemon and sugar to make 10 people feel icky.
22) Make a film with mum's camcorder about your average day at the vintry. Not quite an average day tho really...
23) Make another!
WILL FINISH L8R. can't be arsed