Aug 27, 2007 00:42
So yeah Shane stopped by and we played on the Wii. Bowling, hahaha I know I know... that's sad. But yeah it's been a lot of fun seeing her again, plus I'm still happy i'm finally changing majors. I LOVE to work out and always will, but you don't need a degree to do it. I have always loved art and design, and again I can't stress this enough. I NEVER said I was some amazing artist, i've just always loved art, but was always discouraged to pursue an artistic field. I know I shouldn't care what my mom or family wants me to be, but those of you who really know me, know that i'd do anything for my family. Yes I am a sad individual, but I am sick of being treated like I can be used and then tossed aside. I'm sick of being treated like i'm not just as important as everyone else, because I am. But this list of people are people who have my back and have earned my complete trust through unwaivering love and loyalty.
-Bri = 10 years of friendship and still strong
-Kelsey = 7 years and still strong
-Meghan = 5 years and still going
-Dave = 3 years and my best male friend by far
-Shane = 2 years, has my back
-Jay = 1 year and has been a wonderful boyfriend to Kelsey
-Ellen = 3.5 years and strong
-Sami = 4.5 years and still as strong as ever even while she's in Georgia
-Ian = 1.5 year of friendship and still a great conversation buddy
I don't mean to hurt anyone, this is just a list of people who've been there for me through everything and never let me screw myself and wont let anyone else either. These are friends who call to hang out, who like me for me, not what I can afford, how I dress, or how I act in front of others, they love me.
Anyways, I was just kind of feeling a bit emotional after the silent fuck off from one of my friends. I hate to lose a friend buuuut when they go heartless on ya, there's not much you can do.