Nov 03, 2005 16:37
So it's twenty minutes until go time. I am not really sure of what I am going to do once I get home. One of a few things, maybe all of these things...
A. Cry my freakin eyes out for no GOOD reason.
B. Play GTA and vent my emotions there
C. Sleep
D. Write on my book but only the bitter parts b/c I am not exactly feeling all lovey dovey at the moment.
Damn I was getting good at keeping though choices lined up, but then I had to go and mess it up. I am starving my pill has wore off. I wish I could afford to go out tonight but I only have 1.72 in my account right now. I don't care though because tomorrow I get paid. I need to get a phone, and the internet, so I may do that. There's alot that I need to do it being so close to Christmas and all, but I have been thinking about it and since I am not visiting my family and not gonna be around friends on Christmas I may just save it and wait until I go visit them to buy presents. Then enough for two nights in a hotel on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I have decided to not even celebrate it at all. But it will be fun though because I can be all immature and get one with two beds and jump from bed to bed. Get all kinds of fast food, a bunch of SoCo lock the doors and it will be like another day.
I don't know anything else to say, nothing MAJOR right now. Thanks for reading.