May 16, 2005 17:19
today hasnt been such a good day. it actually sucked ass. mostly cuz i was like really sad, almost deppressed. i just started thinking bout the things i would never see again and the people i would never see again and the hallways that i would never walk through again, and a bunch of other stuff like that. this entry isnt gonna be friends only so w/e and now im sad again. i kinda got into a fight bout sumthin really stupid about a picture with someone who i really love and care about and it suks cuz i dont wanna fight especially not about sumthin so frikin stupid especially not with that person. dam it feels like im about to start crying like i feel it coming and im trying my hardest to keep it together but it aint workin. this day has been just a whole big piece of crap. i changed my mind. my journal aint gonna be friends only anymore cuz i dont want it to be.i cant keep it in the only way the feeling is gonna go away is if i dont keep it together. the only way the sadness will go away is if i totally break down crying and everything so i might as well get it over with now instead of later. i didnt get my yearbook which made me even more sad. i got 80% on the animal farm a.r.. and i have 34.sumthin points and thats bad cuz i needed 57. oh well w/e. its just sumthin to contribute to this horrible day. i found out that im goin to islands of adventure alone with my brother and my sister so thats gonna be either really fun or a total disaster. i guess we will just have to wait and see. w/e im gonna go now cuz i dont really have anything else to write about. and i dont even have enough strength or willpower to keep on typing. so ill write more when i feel like it.