hahaha. i was shopping yesterday and decided i wanted to give a shout out to the shop in Melbourne that i basically live out of! XD
....but instead of posting it all on a DA journal, i'm going to post most of it here in a journal cut and just link to it.....oh god here we go!
Seriously, this is the best shop ever! xD it's in Melbourne CBD and every time i go into the city i ALWAYS GO THERE! i cant help it :P
well just look a it!....COULD YOU RESIST IT!!!?
if i didn't live 20mins drive plus 1 hour on the train away from this place, i would so be begging them for a job there!!! *___*
oh god. can you imagine!? if i ever live further into the city, I SO AM ASKING THEM!!! NO DOUBT
i mean......i'm not obsessed with spending money or anything >u>;; ...this place isn't exactly CHEAP!
(but then it's not overly expensive either. things might be $2-$3 more than you might be able to find them elsewhere if you look.)
but it's ALL HERE IN ONE GLORIOUS PLACE, so for alittle more, i say who cares! 8D
AND OFCOURSE i read/watch alot more for free on the net than i do actually BUY stuff (haha you'd be crazy if you bought it all . jeezus)
but idk, sometimes there's just something that much more AWESOMER about actually holding some of this stuff in your own hands,
and something satisfying about purchasing it and having it as your own >w<
and for that I GO TO MINOTAUR! <333
and now i show you what they've got goin~ :D
(but who the hells bright idea was it to cut the logo into the carpet!? wtf XD tipping lawsuit waiting to happen!! lol)
(Oh the delicious Dr Who/Torchwood section <33 so many david tennent faces staring at you all at once >///u///< )
Aaaaaand that's just what i could be bothered taking photos of, and then bothered posting >:P
.....if this shop ever closes, i will cry! xD;;;
i've been going there for years, atleat 3 years now.
And my mum took us to this shop god...like 8-10 years back!!? D: i dont know if it was called Minotaur back then...but it was on Elizabeth St, underground, and full of anime/comics/books. i dont think there's any possibility that it could be a different shop! :9
and that's my pimp out done. i love you Minotaur (and their staff's really cool too)
jealous of my relationship or what >;D hahahahahahaaa
i also want to pimp out 'The Hidden Anime Shop' OZ-Animart sometime. cos it's so cute~
it's just this tiny little shop, hidden on the 7th floor of some office building behind the bank in some ally near MYER in Melb Central. But it's got some pretty good stuff, for cheaper than you can get it anywhere else.
and it's run by all these asian Uni students from what i can tell xD they are really cool, and they just have this little bamboo mats and cushions lounging area in the middle of the shop where they just sit around watching anime and playing video games while you browse around them! lmao i want to join them >u> looks so comfy~! :D
and thats all i've got to say today :P
i might post some more photos of shit some other day~
later <33