Jul 27, 2008 18:06
so....went and saw the new Batman movie last night with livi and tiz.
GODDAMN it was AWWWESOME! Great cinima movie! i'd consider paying my $15 to see it again :D
so much better put together than the one that came before it. ...that one was kinda boring. good...but yeah. boring too.
The Dark Knight was anything but boring.!
now i want to actually go back and watch the OLD batman movies that i havn't seen since i was a kid >:9 hehee
and Heath Ledger (bless him) was SOOOO GOOD! i hope he does get some awards for that performance. ...as much as the thought of that baffles me XD; he definately deserves due recognition for his acting as Joker!
LMAO i sooo want to see some joker-nurse fanart right now XDDDD that was hilarious!
orz >: heath.
....now i need to REALLY figure out how to post images into these journals.
whats the best way to do it?? i tried loading straight from my files on the computer...but it always seems to shrink it smaller than the image is meant to be, and then when i enlarge the dimentions it made the image all fuzzy and crap >: wtf?
should i just link through photobucket or something? D: