(no subject)

Aug 17, 2014 23:33

Well, tomorrow is my first day of my second semester of college. I have my World Theater class at 9AM then I have a 5.5 hours in between my 1st and 2nd class so I'm sure eventually that'll be spent doing homework. Then I have my math class at 3PM or something and it goes till 5:30 then at 6PM I have my Film Appreciation class that goes from 6PM-10PM and thankfully that's just on Mondays. So then on Wednesday I just have to take my first two classes. Then on Friday I have my English class from 9AM-11AM. Then of course whenever I'm not at school I'll still be working at the cinema. Which, our hours are now back to non-summer hours so that means we'll be closing sooner which is great. So I'm hoping that I can still keep up on my fanfics and stuff.

I hope everyone is doing good. I think I'll work on that stack of penpal letters I'm behind on tomorrow in that 5.5 hour break I have between classes.

life, college, school

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