Finals are here!

May 13, 2014 21:11

So I have my English final tomorrow and one of my finals for my acting class. It's the last day of classes for my English, Acting, and Math class. Then Thursday is my last day of my Stagecraft class. I'm also supposed to be getting a job interview for the stagecraft/scene shop for in the fall helping build sets. I also had a job interview for the local cinema two days ago, I'm calling tomorrow to see if they came up with a decision for who they're hiring. I just don't want to work at Train Town anymore, it's terrible. Any who, next week is my final finals and then my first semester of junior college is complete. I'll be taking an online class this summer, I believe it's Intro to Film History or something.

I've learned so much and I've made so many new friends, I'm so glad I quit Walmart and went back to school. After all this I can finally catch up on letters to penpals!

life, college, school

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