School is so tiring!!!

Apr 22, 2014 00:38

So I've been super busy with school. Also, I've been rehearsing with crewing a show, it's been a tough week. I've been at school some days since 9am-1pm, sometimes till 12:45am, it depends on how fast rehearsal goes. I played hookie today because of how tired I was and to try and catch up on homework. My acting teacher of course made me feel guilty for it. I guess if it's not bosses at jobs making you feel guilty then it's teachers. I'm ready for summer vacation. But I am having a lot of fun crewing Spamalot. It's the happiest I've been in a very long time.

Plus, it's nice making friends that aren't there to stab you in the back or use you. I haven't been going to work as much, so this next paycheck is going to be small cuz I'm having to be at rehearsal on the days I'm supposed to work. But at least my job is willing to work around my school schedule, just one more month of school! >.

life, school

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