Hiya, guys!

Mar 01, 2014 22:27

So lets see here. To anyone I'm pen pals with, I am so sorry if I have yet to write you. I will get to writing some letters in between classes. So I just got a job, finally! It's part time, it's at a little place called Train Town. I used to go there when I was a little girl. It's only open Friday-Sunday 10am-5pm so that's good since I have school the rest of the week. Though there may be some days I can't work because of production on plays. But that doesn't start till April. So now my schedule is really full.

Monday's and Wednesday's I'm at school from 9am-4:20pm, but I usually go to the math lab after classes so I can put in some hours sense it's a requirement for my class. Then on Tuesday's and Thursday's I don't have class till 2pm-5pm. But I usually go in earlier to either put in more math lab hours or to put in lab ours for Intro To Stagecraft. Then starting in April I have to start showing up at rehearsals and stuff and that goes towards my time for General Lab Production.

Then I'm in the Anime Club and the Queer Student Union and the Anime Club meets at 3pm-6pm on Wednesday's but I go right after my math class to there. And the Queer Student Union was meeting on Friday's but it's changing to earlier in the week at a later time which is great now that I have to work on Friday's. Then I have my homework whenever I'm available. So I guess this is the life of a college student. I'm so lucky to be living with my older brother and his girlfriend. Which for staying here I do the dishes. I'm pretty sure my brother wants me to save my money for my big move to Los Angeles when I finally can transfer colleges. Who knows if I'll ever get the money for UCLA. At least that's my first choice for a film school.

Any who, I'm so sorry that I don't comment on your journals. I need to go through and clean up my friends list and all the groups I'm in. It's like an issue of mine, joining so many groups. ^^; Any who, you can always find me active on Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter. Which the links are up on my page. Feel free to add me. :)

life, college, school

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