Sep 30, 2009 03:28
So I've finally gotten around to watching Lost, a co-worker let me borrow the first season. And now I have a new shipping. Sawyer/Kate and I'm sure later on I'm going to like Jack/Juliet but from what I've read it's one of those shipping's where later its going to to be Jack/Kate and Sawyer/Juliet and I'm not really big on those two.
In other words. I may be moving soon, possibly next month. A couples friends of mine want me to move with them to Santa Rosa. Which is exactly what I wanted, someone I now who likes anime to be my roommates. We'll see how things go this month. Plus there's this guy at work that's new and he's interested in me, he's a huge Naruto fan, even has a Kunai Knife tattooed on his arm. So maybe I'll give him a shot. Any who, nothing more that's new. I'm loving the new Bones episodes and Heroes is looking interesting.