I got up really early today. Well, not that early, but considering how I didn’t go to sleep before 6 am, 8 am is pretty early. And why did I do that?!
Because I had things I wanted to do, like surf the internet, before I had to rush off downtown to do all the important stuff that I needed to do today.
I shouldn’t have bothered as my fucking internet provider gave me 15 minutes online before it decided to crash my whole internet connection. It does that every now and then, it’s not an unusual thing, something which is annoying enough to start with.
But usually it comes back after 5 to 10 minutes. Well not today! Nooo, today it decided to be down for hours while I was sitting impatient in front of the computer, tapping my fingers against the table. I tried to do other things, I scanned a few drawings, made an arty farty image out of them in Photoshop, looked through all my word documents, yawned, made coffee, drank coffee, yawned some more and made more coffee.
Then I suddenly had the urge to make icons! Yay, that’s not a bad way to waste time. Only… I didn’t have any decent pictures on the computer, and I couldn’t go searching for them either, because yeah… internet connection down. Bugger bugger bugger bugger!
Now there is always the screwed up laptop, there’s loads of images on that. But that was upstairs and I was tired and lazy so that was out of the question.
I watched Ian’s video of If You Ever from the Birmingham gig. Bad idea! It’s really easy to get all emotional when you’re dead tired, and to say that I got emotional is actually an understatement. If You Ever! The Rasmus! My first TR gig ever! Gigs! And once again, The Rasmus! I guess I just got thrown back in time, everything came back. Standing there on front row, in between Carine and Louisa, just being overwhelmed by the whole thing. First time I saw Lauri & co in real life, first time I could feel the addictive atmosphere of their gigs, first time I had the chance to really mosh along with the songs.
The feeling I got left with after watching the gig is actually indescribable, I’ve been sitting here knocking my fingers together for the past five minutes now, trying to think of something to say about it. But I can’t, I don’t even recognise this feeling, and to be honest; that kinda freaks me out a bit. Helloooo, it’s just a band, it’s just gigs.
Okay, I’m gonna have to correct myself here, maybe slap myself a little too. Because no, it’s not. It’s so much more than that, and big warning, I’m about to get very “deep” here…
It’s travelling, it’s the excitement, it’s the way my hearts starts beating faster when the queue starts pushing and there’s only a few hours till the doors open. It’s the way everything in the world seems okay as the intro to Funeral song starts playing, and the happiness I feel as the music turns more dramatic and the crowd cheers because the band have just appeared on the stage. But what more, it’s friendships.
I can’t deny the fact (heh Swimming with the Kids) that my obsession for The Rasmus have taken things away from me, but it’s also given me the most precious thing one can ask for. Friends. People I’ve shared good things with, bad things with. And of course I miss them, I miss them more than anything. Though I can’t help wondering if we all would be such good friends if we were around each other at all times. We’ll never find out though, and in a way, that sorta sucks.
Moving on… Stories! Fan fiction, lord knows I could get my act together and continue working on my current one. And I do, I scribble down lines on paper, but I’m just not in the mood to type them in. Even now, when I’m really bored I feel reluctant to work on it. I guess I’ve reached the point where fan fics bore me. I can’t even read them, I just can’t seem to focus, which is not a good thing, as I am moderator of the fan fic section on the TR international Fan Forum, and also administrator of a forum strictly for slash (and reg.) fan fics.
I wonder if it will pass, but I think I should at least give up the fan fic forum on the International forum. I don’t really want to, but there’s no use keeping it up if I don’t do anything. I will do the clean up in there, which starts today, fits perfectly as my internet is still down! Argh! But after that I think I will give up on that one. And the ASS forum? I certainly won’t give up my post as admin there, I fucking pay to keep that forum up! I have to think something up though, coz I can’t keep neglecting my duties over there. Hello my name is Ree, and I take on too much…
And now my dear friends, I will shut up. Not because I am nice and will spare you for this rambling (not that I really expect anyone to read all this, I’ll be surprised if I get a comment), but because my internet is back, and I can run and post this crap in my journal, which I have become strangely addicted to.