The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
What would your life be like if you had never met
daisythemoocow?Un sarah like????Of
aurorusdaystar, and
tykario, which one is most similar to
zartok?_nightstalker_ in that they would both make good assasins.What habit does
littlesadeyes have that you think they should give up?Non, i luv him sooooooooooooooooo much!! Except that he should crumple less taco's and bend more sausagesCan
katikatka raise the dead to perform common household tasks?Pfffft, sure why not?Where did
abbeygale go?I dunno? Home? Indonesia? What happened the last time you and
kat_ana were hanging out together?We giggles so hard our brains fell out of our heads (oh, and she ate half my dinner ;) )If
nyaos_ramblings and
childwanderer were superheroes, which one would be the sidekick?HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Child wanderer.What does
ilec look for in a significant other?Jess?When was the last time you talked to
fioreviola?When the moon was blueDoesn't
mrnikkisdad have anything better to do?Nup. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
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