May 30, 2012 18:09
I follow a few different blogs that are devoted to being body positive. I think they're a good thing overall and if they make people feel more comfortable with what they're working with then...awesome! People should be comfortable with who they are. I'm far from it but...that's besides the point.
Anyways, lately I see a lot of nonsense going on and it really bugs me. I read a submission where the person was basically saying that there is nothing wrong with being overweight but obesity is a real thing and it does kill many people each year, and we can encourage body positivity without glossing over the fact that you very well can eat yourself to death. The post wasn't offensive or anything like that. I get offended somewhat easily by weight topics so I think I have a decent gauge. The person was stating the facts, and putting them much nicer than just HERE.ARE.THE.FACTS.
The owner of the blog responded by saying that "you can't look at a fat/thin person and tell whether they eat or don't eat" which is BULLSHIT. Lying to people and basically saying that you can't control your weight so you might as well eat whatever you want is NOT helpful. If your goal is to make an overweight person feel better by deluding them into thinking they have nothing to do with their weight, good job - but it's bullshit just the same.
I have hypothyroidism, and Hashimato's runs in my family which is a new discovery. I have yet to get tested but I am quite sure I have it as my TSH(?) levels went from 8 in roughly 2008 when I was first diagnosed and thus never medicated or anything, to now where it is at 127 without medication helping me. 127! My doctor almost shit herself when she read that she said more or less. I have not looked at average tsh levels of people with hypothyroidism but she said she has never seen one even close to 127.
So my point is that I have a condition that makes you gain weight and makes it way fucking hard to lose it, if you're like me and can't take medication properly. And you know what? That is not why I'm fat!
Even if you have a condition such as this, and I have heard oh so many people in recent years blaming their 200 pound weight gain on thyroid problems. Well sorry to break it to you guys but A. the symptoms of the disease say something like 'INFREQUENT' weight gain of no more than 15 pounds, or something like that and B. Even if it were more pounds and more frequent, you can't gain weight without eating extra calories. You just can't. Unless you have something that is making you fill up with water weight, you are eating too much probably.
I am overweight myself and I am not trying to beat anyone up or beat myself up for that matter, even though I feel more comfortable doing the latter. I am just getting really sick of people turning acceptance into excuses. It's great to accept people for whatever they may look like. If you dislike someone because they weigh more or less, you are an absolute moron and you should stop sharing my precious oxygen.
It's just plain stupid to misinform people, though. There are many studies that indicate people will believe almost anything they read on blogs. If they don't actually do research or know very basic biology...they will probably take from these things that they can't do anything about their weight and it's not ever their fault that they are overweight.
And of course, there are mental and physical health reasons that some people will have a harder time than others with weight issues. Obviously I am not trying to shame binge eaters for their over-eating and possible obesity....but I'm also not for bullshitting them.
Most of the females in my family have thyroid issues and I hear a lot of blaming it for their obesity right after they are done eating 10 chicken wings and 3 huge pieces of pizza, or some other huge and terrible meal. I'm positive it's not just my family either.
I feel like this is stemming from an American 'politically correct' type thing. We are getting told left and right that shaming people for their skin color, sex, weight, sexuality, and etc. (which is all OBVIOUS by the way) so much so that it makes people want to make excuses for things that actually ARE unhealthy.
People like myself that basically live on carbs, cheese, and grease (and meat, but not me so much) are going to probably gain more weight. If you are also like me in over-eating a lot of meals then you are even way more likely to gain fucking weight! This is not rocket science and you can't explain everything away with "it's a medical condition", especially if you don't seem to know what said medical condition does.
Basically you should just be reasonable and smart. You don't have to be 100% healthy, you don't have to lose weight or change your eating habits if you don't want to. You don't have to feel bad about your weight, for any reason. You can eat 12 large pizzas a day and that's fucking fine. Shaming is a problem and that is not as all what I am talking about.
You just need to be smart and read more than blogs, talk to your doctor. If you are really unhealthy or maybe at risk for diabetes - you might want an expert opinion so you can stop it or slow it down instead of a blog telling you that it's not your fault and nobody can "help" how they are etc. That stuff rubs me the wrong way entirely.
I'm sure I am repeating myself a lot in this post but I'm just irate sort of. I have realized that people online can be really gullible and believe almost anything they believe. Case in point, that thing going around that says "margarine is one molecule away from being plastic" (dur, learn how molecules work) and saying it was invented for feeding turkeys but it killed off too many turkeys so they sold it to humans instead. People actually believe this. I did a 2 second google search and posted a sourced site about why and how that is a myth, and so many people just yelled at me and wouldn't believe me. Facts are not about believing, so there is your first problem. Also someone countered the legit sourced items with "I saw that it is true on tv, so you're wrong!".
Thus, it is obvious to me that people are either too dumb or too lazy to find anything out on their own and as a blog owner that caters to many overweight folks - it is irresponsible to post misinformation and lies to somehow make people less guilty about their weight. It's uneccessary. We shouldn't be saying "you shouldn't feel bad about yourself because it can't be helped! It's medical and it's genetics!"...we should be saying "It doesn't fucking matter why or how or what reason you are who you are or you look how you do. It's you and you're awesome and fuck anybody who says otherwise....but also I don't want you to die of heart disease or have your limbs removed at a young age".