So ...

Mar 16, 2020 16:21

I drifted out of LJ again, something I should have predicted when my interest in my main fandom, Supernatural, began to wane.  It'll likely happen again, as I currently don't have the drive to accumulate more online friends interested in my new fandoms.  But as it turns out, there's nothing like a global pandemic to make you worry about old friends ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

dizzojay March 16 2020, 21:23:55 UTC
Aw, it's great to hear from you, and I'm glad all's well in your world. Life in the Dizzo household is ticking along. I'm working from home, and still having my life ruled by those pesky minis!


kinkthatwinked March 18 2020, 20:07:26 UTC
That reminds me, I need to check the Mini page to see how they're handling the current situation. We've seen Dean handle some pretty big crises, but a lockdown could affect his pie access!


jj1564 March 16 2020, 23:52:48 UTC
Hello! Lovely to see a post from you, thank you so much for checking in. I hope some other LJ folk who aren't as active any longer will do the same. We've missed you around here, but the main thing is that you and your family are all okay. I'm fine, just a bit worried about the effects of this pesky virus - my son works in a pub which is likely to close down and he'll be without any income. But we're all healthy, so I shouldn't grumble!

Take care xxx


kinkthatwinked March 18 2020, 20:11:35 UTC
I'm glad you and yours are okay. I lot of people are more concerned about the shutdowns than about the virus itself, and not without reason. Hopefully our respective governments will address how this impacts people financially, and soon.


azewewish March 17 2020, 15:48:36 UTC
Glad you and the family are safe! <3


kinkthatwinked March 18 2020, 20:13:46 UTC
Good to hear from you, and I'm glad you're okay, too.

I also noticed from a recent post that you're into The Witcher. That's one of my new fandoms, too! I'm so glad I followed Henry Cavill to that show!


azewewish March 18 2020, 21:50:03 UTC
Omg I am SO in love with The Witcher!!! Such a great and fun show.


msilverstar March 29 2020, 21:50:00 UTC
Hey, I am so glad to see you are OK. I want to hold onto you!


kinkthatwinked April 24 2020, 03:20:38 UTC
Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Homeschooling a, er, reluctant teenage boy is a bit time-consuming. :)

Wish I could hug you, too.


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