May 29, 2012 16:52
i just wanted to let everyone know that as of last monday i no longer work for fedex. i was put in a situation where i didn't have anyother choice. either i worked to close every day with no way to get home to my kid or leave the job. so i left. but i still get the feeling that my cm had no right to force me to leave like she did. she said,"either i work the schedule she made and be here on time every day or resign". that is what she said. so i left. i had no other choice. i had to move back home to my parents and it was a three hour trip each way to get the the center i was working at. i am now in va and the center i was working at was in md. so now i am looking for a new job. i didn't have another job in the line when i left. if anyone can suggest anything to me that would be great.