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Golden Oldies (You pick what I do next month!) :)
This fic is in response to
this prompt on KMM1: Merlin/Morgana, power
509 words.
"You aren't anything special, Emrys," Morgana hissed. She snapped her fingers, and vines burst up from the ground, towering over Merlin threateningly.
"Oh yeah? Then why am I already part of legend? Why will they tell stories of me as a great sorcerer, and you'll only ever be known as a bastard child, half sister to Arthur?" Merlin didn't have to do anything physical to make the vines disappear. But why just make them disappear?
He pictured, clearly in his head, and waved his hand in a mock show of power. All at once, the leaves sprouted into birds, the vines breaking up and changing into a whole flock of birds, swooping and swaying in a dragon's formation, chasing after Morgana.
"Emrys!" Morgana yelled.
Merlin couldn't stop laughing, picturing Morgana in the middle of the flock.
Then, he wasn't laughing any more, he was running, as hundreds of thousands of bees swarmed after him.
"Damn it, Morgana!" Merlin screamed. "Why bloody bees? Right, fine, I'll show you what power means!"
He didn't really know what he was doing. Instead, he focused on what he wanted to happen, and made the bees turn into whatever they needed to, to make it happen.
He watched on in wonder as each bee became a tiny bubble, each of them rushing towards Morgana, and taking her up into the sky.
At first, she screamed in terror, but before long she was laughing at Merlin, pushing her own magic into the bubbles and floating her back down to the ground.
"That. Was. Brilliant!" Morgana beamed, and Merlin couldn't help his own grin. The bubbles waved around them, pushing them closer together.
"Yeah, wasn't it just?" Merlin grinned. "We've got to do this 'fight to the death' thing more often."
"Fight to the death? Don't be stupid Merlin. It's just a little fight," Morgana grinned. "No one got hurt, we got to spend a little of our excess energy, and Camelot gets to think you've defeated the evil warlock again."
"You really could come back, you know," Merlin said, softly, wrapping his arms around her. "Arthur knows that we're pretty much just using this as foreplay, you know."
"Yep. Actually, he's the one who said we should just shag and get it over with," Merlin said, laughing at the memory.
"No, I can't believe that," Morgana laughed, wrapping her arms around Merlin's neck.
"It's true, I swear," Merlin said, kissing her softly. "He was fed up of us damaging his castle, apparently."
"God, my brother and his stupid castle," Morgana grinned at Merlin, that special grin. "Almost as much as an idiot as you were in the beginning!"
"Hey," Merlin protested. He kissed Morgana again. "Won't keep kissing you if you keep insulting me."
"It's verbal foreplay, and you know it!" Morgana said.
"Yeah, I kind of do," Merlin admitted. He kissed her again, deepening it a little.
"So is that our power play over, then?" Morgana asked.
"It is if yo want it to be."
Instead of answering, Morgana just kissed him again.