¤ This is a series of kink memes for most of all anime released in the season
Fall of 2007 Fall of 2007 and Gundam 00 Season Two Fall of 2007 and Gundam 00 Because The Other Two Memes Got Crowded!
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An acrobat on a tight rope.
Working with him, together with the other members of Celestial Being, she learned that indolent, apparently amoral man was really that courageous. Living fast, risking everything on every tiny straw of a chance, always looking forward.. if not for the time he turned to look at her. He saw in her things other people, not even her beloved brothers, were able to see.
He entrusted her some of his secrets, allowing her to risk in first person, while her brothers always wanted to protect her; and he guessed well that she would have accepted any risk, because he had read in that crippled girl such a desire to fight for sparing others the terrible fate she had got so strong it couldn’t be limited to help from the sidelines in the unequal struggle Neil, Lyle and everyone else was carrying on.
Once, he even went as far as saying that she was the one showing him the best of humanity. Amy shut his mouth with a kiss, because she knew that that man was skilled enough to lie in such a convincing way, but if it was a lie, she didn't want to know.
- I didn’t tell Tieria nor Sumeragi about the information I gave you last time - she said in one gasp when she broke from a kiss even more heated than the one she was just recalling in her mind.
- I know.. - he whispered in her hear, while his lips were running down her neck, looking for her pale flesh under the tightly fastened uniform - I need you… - he added.
- ..I need you, too. - she replied, sliding her firm hands under his shirt.
When they had more time for themselves, he loved to indulge in contemplation of the irregular pattern of the freckles on her skin - unperfected, unpredictable - tracing constellations among them with his wise fingers till the point where it melted with the artificial, immaculate skin of her bionic body-parts.
Also in bed, he was lazy and laid back. He liked to play her like a piano, stroking her like he was following some secret design visible only to him. He was not that great of a lover, she could feel it, even though he was the only lover she has ever had. But that awe in his eyes as his relaxed fingers traced her whole body like the map of some hidden treasure he was the only owner of, it was enough to make her shiver from the inside and to make her head spin every time she realized how crazy, yet beautiful and unexpected all of that has been for both of them.
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