Figures that the only time I have a spare hour and a fixed enough mind to try some Chekov/Sulu pornings the kinkmeme is sadly sparse of any less that FUCKING HUGELY PLOTTY prompts which would take days to do correctly or severely porny ones which require *ahem* "research".
But FUCK YEAH TEAM CHULU we appear to be kicking serious booty. Guys, your morale officer is proud.
Also on the internets, LOL at the
ontd_startrek hack. I don't know what the mods were thinking not changing their passwords as soon as they got the threat. Or locking down their accounts and switching out to a sockpuppet mod. Or reporting the threat. It is so, so easy to hack an lj account - that's why I never keep personal information on here. It's less about the being associated with gay porn thing, more about the OH HEY, THAT WAS YOUR IDENTITY? OH MAN, I TOTES BORROWED THAT, HOPE YOU DON'T MIND. D:
EDIT: So, we all abused the lj abuse service for...? Thanks for putting our accounts in danger, douches.
secret_weapon and
_samalander wrecked my inbox with their disturbing talks. BUT I LOVE THEM FOR IT. And now ship the blooming homance.