Kink Me! #9

Feb 22, 2010 22:33

Kink Me! #9

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That's Lunch Pt. 5 frauleinslash March 15 2010, 19:39:05 UTC
"Oh, Arthur..."

First kisses were meant to be somewhere sensible after decent consideration of what would and would not be comfortable - at least, Arthur thought, they were in all the cheesy TV shows - and it was certainly fair to say that leaning back against the sharp edge of the kitchen table with one of Merlin's hands pressed earnestly against his chest, back arched slightly as he stood on his tip-toes to reach Arthur's lips. Arthur had never kissed a boy before, and was surprised to find it was quite a lot different to kissing a girl. Merlin didn't want to give up control just because Arthur was Arthur; he was having to try his hardest to remain dominant as they pressed their lips together, but eventually it seemed he'd won whatever battle they were fighting as Merlin hummed, high-pitched, and lifted one of his knees up. Somehow, Arthur knew what this meant, and adjusted his hands so that Merlin could jump up - graceless, of course, but heart-wrenchingly cute - to wrap both legs around him.

"Take me through," he murmured against Arthur's ear shyly, and even though Arthur wasn't quite sure, Merlin's bashfulness had already melted him enough; he'd do whatever he was told.


It was far harder to lay Merlin down smoothly on the bed than it looked in films - screw the media for making all of this look so easy - so after a few failed attempts and an endearing half-giggle from Merlin, he slung them both down on their sides and only reattached them once they were both lying down properly. Merlin seemed to want to even the playing board as he tugged at Arthur's shirt, so Arthur assisted in undoing the buttons and didn't fight as it was slipped from his shoulders. The trousers were swift to follow, and they were thrown to slump against the floor somewhere nobody cared about, ignored; Merlin's attention was obviously far more drawn by the peak in Arthur's boxers.

"Do you want...?"

"Yeah. I think so."

Taking the initiative, he shuffled closer to Merlin and kissed his neck, a shaking hand slipping under the tight waistband of his flatmate's briefs to the sound of a heavenly gasp. Definitely encouraging. He took Merlin's cock in his hand nervously, trying to touch him the same way as he touched himself. That way, he knew it would be at least OK, right? Merlin moaned into Arthur's neck, nose bumping into him gently; soon, though, he faced Arthur again to claim his lips in another kiss - deeper, this time, with one hand pressed up against his now-naked chest again. They were so close that he could feel his flatmate flushing red with what he hoped was pleasure; he definitely hadn't complained so far, unless Arthur was misinterpreting the throaty humming very badly.

It came as a surprise when Merlin's hand drifted from his chest to his pants, fingers trailing lightly over the outside of his boxers. He'd expected Merlin to reciprocate, but not at the same time. It felt very near to heaven - certainly this ranked amongst Arthur's favourite sexual experiences already, and he hadn't even finished yet. He broke apart from the kiss for a second to verbalise his appreciation - "Oh, God, Merlin; yes," - and then moved straight back to meet him again in the middle, determined to make this more than a mutual jerk-off between flatmates. Not that such things were normal, granted, but he didn't want Merlin to get the wrong idea. Maybe he'd had fantasies for an age, but that didn't mean fulfilment of them was all he wanted. He wanted Merlin in all his adorable entirety; he wanted this, yes - oh, God, yes, he was more than sure now - but he also wanted cuddles on the sofa in front of Strictly Come Dancing; he wanted a companion whose hand he could hold at office parties. He wanted to be the boyfriend at Merlin's shows, not the flatmate - he wanted to sleep together in one bed, not just shag and separate.


That's Lunch Pt. 6 frauleinslash March 15 2010, 19:40:45 UTC
Thankfully, Merlin seemed responsive so far as the kiss went. Arthur could only hope that translated as sincerity.

Merlin's hand eventually slipped into his boxers, and pulled out Arthur's cock completely. They broke apart for a second as Merlin looked down for a quick appreciative glance - "God, you're big," - and then joined again by mutual agreement, eyes closed and fists pumping eagerly as they worked each other to a slow and toe-curling shared orgasm, Merlin gasping into Arthur's shoulder and curling their feet together in a desperate attempt of increasing contact. Sated, they removed their hands and instead put them around each other; Merlin shuffled to rest his head on Arthur's chest and curled to fit around him, head angled so that his eyelashes fluttered gently against Arthur's moist skin. It was, in a word, delicious; neither of them spoke for a moment as they absorbed the atmosphere, and then Merlin cut in.

"You're home early."

"Fuck, you're amazing," Arthur said following a moment of disbelieving silence, and Merlin smiled into his chest; he could feel it even if he couldn't see it, and it made him smile too. "Really."

Merlin seemed a bit too bashful to respond, but he traced stars over Arthur's stomach with a finger, and Arthur guessed it meant he felt likewise. "So... you don't really mind that I was wearing your blazer?"

"I have found I much prefer you without it," he mused, earning an adorable grin, "but no, I really don't mind. Evidently I... I quite liked it."


The oven beeped, and Merlin tutted. "That's lunch."

"Alright," said Arthur bemusedly, but he didn't let go - instead, he cradled Merlin a bit closer to him, and explained himself seconds later. "I'm not hungry."



"Well, alright."

Comfortably, they settled together in their warmth. They'd have to change Merlin's sheets, Arthur mused, but all in all, well... that wasn't much of a blemish on his day.



Hope you liked it >.


Re: That's Lunch Pt. 6 frauleinslash March 15 2010, 19:55:02 UTC
Words fail this anon, so she settles for a Spongebob image to describe her true feelings (because clothes-borrowing, first time, coy!Merlin and fakemeanbutsecretlygayformerlin!Arthur = WONDERFUL *INCOHERENCE*)


Re: That's Lunch Pt. 6 frauleinslash March 15 2010, 20:36:29 UTC
I certainly did. :-)

Thank you very much anon.


Re: That's Lunch Pt. 6 frauleinslash March 15 2010, 20:36:57 UTC
Aw, adorable. And how effing sexy is the idea of Merlin in his briefs and Arthur's blazer? VERY. Loved Arthur's inner voice here, too.

One tiny thing though. Merlin is taller than Arthur, so he wouldn't be needing to stand on his tiptoes to get at his man's mouth. ♥


Re: That's Lunch Pt. 6 frauleinslash March 15 2010, 20:50:08 UTC
Oops, I fail epically. :P It has evidently been too long since I watched my DVDs ^_^" Let's just pretend my Merlin shrank? O:) I'm sorry for the mistake. Otherwise I'm glad you liked it ^^


Re: That's Lunch Pt. 6 frauleinslash March 15 2010, 21:32:13 UTC
You do not fail epically! This was a lovely and adorable and totally endearing piece. I'm just really attached to the idea of a slightly!taller Merlin, especially 'cos I imagine it makes Arthur a bit huffy. ;0 Sorry for bringing all this silliness up.


Re: That's Lunch Pt. 6 frauleinslash March 15 2010, 21:39:36 UTC
It's not silliness, dw ^^ I usually try to be accurate - and a huffy Arthur is a pretty Arthur XD I'm glad you liked it regardless :D


Re: That's Lunch Pt. 6 frauleinslash March 16 2010, 01:43:25 UTC
OP here - and I LOVED this. So amazingly hot - which, ok, Merlin in briefs and a blazer is hot enough, but cooking in that outfit? You're killing me; I don't know why that is so hot but it DEFINITELY is. And then Arthur is so taken and Merlin is so endearing and - just. Surprisingly sweet and fluffy and lovely. So good.
Thank you <333


Re: That's Lunch Pt. 6 frauleinslash March 16 2010, 16:48:26 UTC
Oh, yay :D I was mostly worried about your reaction, OP, in case you didn't like it ^_^" I'm glad it fitted the bill :D I loved writing it.

(Cooking!Merlin is hot because he's been bending over a stove. O:D)


Re: That's Lunch Pt. 6 frauleinslash March 21 2010, 19:01:12 UTC
but he also wanted cuddles on the sofa in front of Strictly Come Dancing; he wanted a companion whose hand he could hold at office parties. He wanted to be the boyfriend at Merlin's shows, not the flatmate - he wanted to sleep together in one bed, not just shag and separate.


I ADORED this. Perfection & uber-hotness. *thumbs up*


Re: That's Lunch Pt. 6 frauleinslash March 21 2010, 19:37:07 UTC
Thank you very much, anon :D


Re: That's Lunch Pt. 6 orion_nightbane May 1 2010, 10:48:17 UTC
As hot and as awesome as this fic was, somewhere in the middle of reading it i kinda realized that the carrots were gonna burn XD lol.


Re: That's Lunch Pt. 6 frauleinslash May 5 2010, 12:36:50 UTC
Haha :P Apparently Merlin sucks at looking after Arthur, canon or no canon XD Thanks for the comment :D <3


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