Kink Me! #8Closed to new prompts
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The last thing he remembered was Nathan was attempting to dunk him under the water as Merlin floated on his back and tried to move the stars around in the sky. He didn’t succeed but he did manage to scare the crap out of a passing pigeon. After that things got distinctly blurry...
“Are you staring at my arse Butch?” Jack glanced over at Nathan who was lying on his stomach, completely naked, and also trying to clear his lungs of water. “Now, I know I’m an impressive piece of ass Harkness, but that is no excuse for you mentally fucking me with your eyes. I’m sure you’re a brilliant shag and all that, but I just don’t swing that way.”
“Shut the hell up little boy, where’s Merlin?”
“Less of the little, thanks very much.”
Jack waved Nathan’s complaint aside and cast his gaze around for the elusive wizard. Hearing a low groaning noise from a little way away, Jack staggered to his feet and walked unsteadily towards it.
‘It’, of course, being Merlin, who was currently curled up into a tight little ball, clutching at his head and groaning. The last time Jack had seen such a pathetic sight was the morning after their last little get-together when he’d found Merlin in the corner of an abandoned warehouse trying to crawl into his own shoe.
“Make it stop, oh please make it stop.”
“Make what stop Merlin?” Jack chuckled.
“Everything,” Merlin whimpered. Nathan, of course, chose this moment to make a loud appearance.
“Oi Fairy Boy! Magic me up some clothes would you? I’m freezing my balls off here.”
Merlin slowly stretched an arm out of his huddle and directed his right hand towards the direction of Nathan’s very loud voice.
“Oh ha ha,” the youngest immortal said, glancing down at his Borat style mankini. “Magic me up some real clothes or I’m gunna start singing, loudly, and it won’t be pretty... and then I’ll describe fried food, in detail.”
Merlin groaned again and suddenly all three were dry and Nathan was wearing the clothes he had discarded the previous night when it had seemed like a fine idea to go for a swim.
“That’s better. Well, it’s been emotional. I will see you fags next time.” Nathan pointed at them both then turned without waving, and began making his way back up the hill. Jack smiled after him and sat down next to Merlin, who was beginning to uncurl himself. Aviators suddenly appeared, balanced on his nose, and he seemed much calmer. Jack pulled him into his side and they sat and watched the river moving past.
“Do you have any idea where we are then?” Jack asked quietly after a little while.
“Not a clue,” Merlin answered just as quietly.
“Hmm, I give Nathan five minutes before he comes back.” Merlin laughed, winced, and buried himself more into Jack’s side.
It seemed like Merlin would be waiting for Arthur for a very long time. But at least he had friends to wait with, he thought.
Nathan threw himself to the ground on Jack’s other side. “Alright, where the fuck are we?”
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