Kink Me! #35[
Flat Kink Me! #35 is flat!]
Welcome to Kink Me! Merlin #35! :D
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Merlin had dabbled in more than his fair share of ponds growing up - Ealdor being short on amusements for growing boys who realised they fancied other growing boys - so it was with some authority that he could declare this pond to be the best pond he'd ever encountered.
It was clear - deep steel blue in the middle, shallow brown at the margins - and pleasingly irregular in outline. There was a handsome slab of weathered rock in the centre the size of a standard double. Merlin had stumbled on the pond from the rough side, trees and a tangle of undergrowth marching nearly all the way to the water, but on the far side there was a bit of a meadow, carpeted with soft-looking grass and shot through with wildflowers and bolts of sunshine.
With a moan of anticipation, Merlin stumbled down the bank, kicked off his shower slides and waded in. The water was shockingly cold, but he didn’t hesitate. He dove under as soon as it was deep enough and swam until his lungs were near bursting and the water felt like a vice on his chest. He resurfaced, laughing, and slogged the rest of the way to the far shore. There he stripped off, spread his wet clothes over a shrub, and - whooping - promptly raced back into the water.
This, Merlin decided, was where he was going to spend his day.
He felt a brief twinge of guilt, as he'd promised Freya he'd check out Return of the Sidhe with her after lunch, but it was a very brief twinge. (And more of relief than guilt, seeing as anything billed as father-daughter folk rock was likely to make Merlin want to stab himself in the ears with the ubiquitous compostable cutlery.)
He splashed and paddled about until his arms felt draggy, then hauled himself up onto the great rock and settled in on his belly, wriggling until he matched most of his sticky-out bits with the rock's natural indentations.
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