Kink Me! #34

Mar 24, 2013 15:23

Kink Me! #34

Welcome to Kink Me! Merlin #34! :D

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Close Your Eyes and Think of Albion 4/? (Warnings: dubcon, fuck or die, bukkake, gokkun) agirlnamedtruth April 6 2013, 19:55:58 UTC
"Perhaps you should join them, sire," Merlin suggested, running his fingers over the edge of the tub, trying to sound as nonchalant as he could.

"Do you think that would help?" Arthur asked, doing the exact same thing as Merlin, hiding the way he was asking for permission and begging for reassurance that he could enjoy this without judgement.

"I can't imagine it hurting," Merlin said, glancing around the other knights and lowering his voice. "And I don't think they'd notice."

Arthur considered it and for a second Merlin thought he might ask what about you, Merlin, you'd notice but he simply nodded, bringing a shaking hand to his cock and firmly stroking it, anticipation or perhaps the show catching him up to the others quickly. Still, there was a good chance he might end up drinking for free.

"Sire," Leon warned, his voice strangled and his breath catching just as he came, thick strands of it landing in Arthur's golden hair. Merlin expected him to make a fuss but his attention was focused on his own pleasure.

Within a few seconds, Percival was coming too, most of his seed landing over Arthur's chest, some of it missing the tub entirely and hitting Gwaine's mail. Gwaine glanced down at it and brought his fingers up to catch it as it dripped. He returned his hand to his cock, spreading Percival's come over his already wet head.

"Anyone else?" Gwaine asked, raising his other hand in challenge. Elyan and Lancelot laughed but Elyan was looking decidedly strained. Merlin looked around them, trying to guess who would break first. To his surprise, the two of them broke at once, Elyan coating Arthur's legs while Lancelot finished the job on Arthur's chest that Percival had started.

"That makes four," Merlin counted, looking at each in turn before settling his gaze on Gwaine.

"I guess I drink for free then, that’s going to bleed you lot dry," Gwaine said, drawing in a sharp breath. Merlin couldn't help but notice he'd been on the brink for ages, never giving in, just teetering on the edge.

"What about Arthur?" Lancelot said, nodding down at Arthur in the tub, still lost in his own touch. Much to Merlin's surprise, Arthur nodded, giving up and letting himself come, his own seed mixing with the knights and dripping down over his stomach. He had barely finished before Gwaine followed him, taking a liberty that surprised even Merlin. Come ran down over Arthur's face, catching in his lashes and on his lips wide open in shock.

"Gwaine!" Arthur shouted and Merlin had to bring his hand up to cover his own mouth, sure that he'd be strung up if he laughed.

"It was the only place left," Gwaine defended himself with a shrug.

"How do you feel?" Merlin asked in an attempt to diffuse the situation. He hadn't noticed any obvious change but then, he had been a bit distracted.

"Like the last whore in Camelot," Arthur said, wiping some of the come from his mouth.

"Nah, she was a redhead," Gwaine informed them helpfully.

"Do you feel any better?" Merlin asked again, this time leaving less room for a snappy comeback.

"A bit but that might just be the..." Arthur trailed off, embarrassment catching up with him. Everyone had known he'd joined in. He couldn't pretend that he had hated it now.

"...friendly wank between friends? Don't mention it." Gwaine gave his shoulder a playful shove and then looked at his sticky hand, regretting it.

"Shouldn't it have worked by now though?" Elyan asked, the edge of concern on his voice.

"Maybe we should actually bathe him in it?" Leon suggested.

"What, rub it into his skin?" Lancelot asked.

"No," Arthur said, starting to rise from the tub. "No."


Close Your Eyes and Think of Albion 5/? (Warnings: dubcon, fuck or die, bukkake, gokkun) agirlnamedtruth April 6 2013, 19:57:42 UTC
"If that's what it takes, Arthur," Merlin said with a shrug.

Arthur huffed and sank back down, looking at each of the knights and daring them to be the first to try it.

"Would you like me to do it, sire?" Merlin offered. "I'll only have to bathe you properly later anyway."

"Fine, if you insist," Arthur said, each word defensive. "The rest of you are excused."

The knights nodded and started to walk away from the tub. Merlin inclined his head towards them and gave Arthur a look.

"Oh and...thank you. I appreciate that this wasn't the easiest request I've made of you all but I shall remember it."

"I should hope so," Gwaine called back, turning to give Arthur a cheeky grin. Merlin waited for them all to leave before he crouched at the side of the tub.

"Are you really going to do this?" Arthur asked, looking down at himself and trailing his fingers through the come pooling where his chest dipped into his stomach.

"If it breaks this curse," Merlin said, reaching his hand out to match Arthur's, spreading the come over his skin. "I've done a lot worse to save your life, believe me."

"Really, I doubt that," Arthur said, giving him another one of those looks that he'd started the day with.

"Perhaps I'm just not as easily daunted by all this," Merlin said, flattening out his palm and running it over Arthur's chest, smearing the come as best he could without leaning further over the edge of the tub. "I mean, I do have to wash your socks, remember? This is nothing."

"Thank you," Arthur said, suddenly serious.

"Don't thank me yet," Merlin said, giving a voice to the worry that had been building up inside him. "Not until you feel any change."

"But you said this would work, you promised," Arthur said.

"It's just... it said there would be a sign, there wasn't a sign, you're still unnaturally hot to the touch and you're not jumping out of that bath and threatening to take Gwaine's head off for coming all over your face. Something's not right," Merlin raised his hand up to Arthur's face, his fingers spreading Gwaine's seed further, until it had soaked into his skin.

"And what are you planning to do if this doesn't work, call in every knight in Camelot?" Arthur sat upright, pushing Merlin's hand away.

"No, I probably just mistranslated. These things do happen," Merlin said, crouching on his toes, preparing to leg it should Arthur regain his strength unexpectedly.

"MERLIN!" Arthur shouted, making a grab for him and missing.

"Calm down or I won't run your bath. A proper bath, I mean, with water," Merlin said as a mock threat.

"What else could it have meant?" Arthur asked, nothing mocking about his threatening tone.

"I'm not sure. Bathe did give me trouble though. Perhaps you have to do something else with it," Merlin said with a sigh.

"What else could I possibly do with it?" Arthur made a grab for him again and Merlin ducked.

"Consume it perhaps? I've heard some people do that willingly, it's meant to good for your health, so I've heard."

"Merlin, if this curse doesn't kill me, I'm going to kill you," Arthur made one final grab for him and caught his collar. "Now go run me a bath before I make you sit in a tub and offer you up to all the knights."

"Yes, sire," Merlin said, though if anything, the events of the day had made him warm up to the idea rather than see it as a threat.



Re: Close Your Eyes and Think of Albion 5/? (Warnings: dubcon, fuck or die, bukkake, gokkun) agirlnamedtruth April 7 2013, 00:17:18 UTC
Yay!! At this being filled. I LOL'd irl at this Merlin, shut up!" Arthur commanded, starting to rise before he was stopped by five fists furiously pumping away above his head.

This is fantastic, I can't wait for more!! Well done :D


Re: Close Your Eyes and Think of Albion 5/? (Warnings: dubcon, fuck or die, bukkake, gokkun) agirlnamedtruth April 7 2013, 15:34:30 UTC
I always get in a 'shut up' moment if I can ;)

Thank you, there should be more over the next few days!


Re: Close Your Eyes and Think of Albion 5/? (Warnings: dubcon, fuck or die, bukkake, gokkun) my_crookedsmile April 7 2013, 01:59:35 UTC
I cackled at this: "Nah, she was a redhead," Gwaine informed them helpfully.
loving it.


Re: Close Your Eyes and Think of Albion 5/? (Warnings: dubcon, fuck or die, bukkake, gokkun) agirlnamedtruth April 7 2013, 15:33:01 UTC
Thank you!


Re: Close Your Eyes and Think of Albion 5/? (Warnings: dubcon, fuck or die, bukkake, gokkun) b_mouse April 7 2013, 07:27:10 UTC
Hey mousey, thanks so much for filling this prompt! If you have a moment, could you leave a link on the link your fill post? That way, our intrepid archiving mice can find it. Thanks!


Re: Close Your Eyes and Think of Albion 5/? (Warnings: dubcon, fuck or die, bukkake, gokkun) agirlnamedtruth April 7 2013, 15:32:17 UTC
Sorry it completely slipped my mind because it's a WIP. Posted it there now :)


Close Your Eyes and Think of Albion 6/? (Warnings: dubcon, fuck or die, bukkake, gokkun) agirlnamedtruth April 8 2013, 01:04:06 UTC
These next few parts turned out a bot more domestic-y than porny, sorry about that. Also some mild Gwaine/Percival sneaked it there with a reference to Gwen/Lancelot.


"Why do I have to hold the cup?" Arthur complained, sat atop his throne and glancing down at the cup in question.

It was the Cup of Life, dug out from the vaults and meticulously cleaned before given to the King. Though Merlin had decided not to tell him about its previous contents, he was already creating enough of a fuss. That morning when he'd woken up and his fever still hadn't broke, Merlin had thought for a second he might actually start stomping his feet and crying. And that was before he started sneezing.

"I'm holding the book," Merlin said, lifting the book from his lap in demonstration. He’d resumed the position he’d taken the day before, perched on the steps up to the throne.

"You're doing this on purpose, I swear," Arthur said with a glare.

"Look, I thought it said bathe... bathe and consume are easy words to mix up."

"You better be right this time," Arthur said, nodding to one of the sentries to open the doors to the throne room.

"I am. I'm certain of it. Almost certain. More than halfway certain," Merlin stopped at the look on Arthur's face. "It'll be fine."

The knights entered, each of them looking less awkward than they had the day before and Gwaine was practically beaming.

"Did the bath not do the trick then?" He asked, nodding over to the discarded bathtub on the other side of the room.

Merlin pulled a face and shook his head while Arthur just fumed silently.

"Oh well, it makes a change from drills, can't complain about that," Gwaine said with a shrug and a smile while the other knights lined up patiently, waiting to be told their task.

"Elyan, Percival, Leon, Lancelot, Gwaine," Arthur said his name with a tone of father telling off a child and Gwaine finally fell into line with the rest of them. "I'm aware that the events of yesterday were already asking more than a king would usually ask his knights to give. But Merlin, the miserable excuse for an idiot over there, apparently got it wrong. So, I must once again ask too much of you all."

"What do you require of us, my Lord?" Leon asked, bowing his head.

Arthur glanced uncomfortably over to Merlin who figured the least he could do was take some of the embarrassment off his hands.

"Set up to the throne, come in the cup," he said cheerfully while Arthur brought his hand up to his eyes.

"As indelicately as that was phrased, that is what I'm asking," Arthur agreed.

The knights all agreed to the task, most thinking that it was less daunting than what they had done yesterday, for them at least. They couldn't say the same for Arthur.

"Who wants to go first?" Merlin asked, trying to get someone to step forward rather than mutter to themselves as Arthur got increasingly paler. "Don't all rush at once..."

"Are you not joining us, Merlin? Again?" Lancelot asked.

"Someone's got to hold the book apparently," Arthur said, taking the opportunity to get in a dig of his own. Not that he particularly wanted Merlin to join in, he belatedly told himself.

"Yeah, books can be tricky things if left unattended," Gwaine agreed, a smirk on his face.

But Merlin didn't let himself blush. If he could survive the day before then he could survive this. He would remain completely unaffected by it... even if his dick had other plans.

"I'm sure you don't need my assistance, do you Gwaine?" Merlin said, trying to sound as indifferent as he could, hoping to silence Gwaine at the very least.

"Any port in a storm," Percival said under his breath, bringing a smile to even Arthur's lips.

"How about you first then, Sir Percival?" Merlin said, turning the attention away from himself.


Close Your Eyes and Think of Albion 7/? (Warnings: dubcon, fuck or die, bukkake, gokkun) agirlnamedtruth April 8 2013, 01:07:05 UTC
Percival blushed furiously, still one of the shyer of the Knights despite his size. But he stepped up to the platform and took the steps up to the throne without complaint. Merlin smiled to see all the knights craning their necks to see what would happen once he got there. He wondered if their curiosity would have them all up on the platform, watching and commenting, before the day was out.

"Do they have to go one at a time?" Arthur asked Merlin, leaning around Percival. "We'll be here all day at this rate."

"A cup is smaller than a bathtub though," Leon pointed out, taking a few steps forward.

"But we can't keep Arthur waiting, can we?" Elyan said, stepping up as well.

Merlin suppressed another smile, wondering how little of a push it would take to get them all like before, standing together and spilling themselves for their king.

"I don't see why they need to take turns; I mean... they needn't all come at once. That's all that the cup is there for, to act as a vessel. Unless you wanted them to take the more direct route, sire?"

They all looked over to him, some open mouthed at Merlin's directness, others looking like they might consider it. Arthur was biting his lip to stop himself from throwing the blasted cup at him.

"The cup will suffice, thank you, Merlin," Arthur finally said, holding out the cup. "All at once then."

The other knights ascended the steps, some more readily than others. Merlin wondered how much would have changed from yesterday, which ones would be hard and ready this time. Would any not be?

They arranged themselves around Arthur, blocking Merlin's view. He tried not to be disappointed, after all, he wasn't supposed to be enjoying this. He closed his eyes, hearing the pull of laces more sharply, the touch of skin against skin more acutely. It was almost as good as watching, imagining it in his head. Almost but not quite.

He put the book aside, standing, wondering what excuse he was going to use to justify himself this time. Arthur was bound to ask, nothing to distract him this time. He walked around the back of the throne, leaning against it as casually as he could manage.

"What are you creeping about for?" Arthur asked, glancing up at him.

"Got bored," Merlin said, it was the only thing that sounded plausible.

"Come for the show?" Gwaine asked him, glancing up from the cup.

"Only because you insist on putting one on," Merlin replied, sparing him a glance. "I figured you might be as well," he said, returning his gaze to Arthur.

"What, putting on a show?" Arthur asked, confused, possibly slightly guilty, it was hard to tell given the circumstance.

"Bored," Merlin corrected him, though Merlin couldn't deny the other option would certainly cure all boredom.

"Oh. Maybe. I don't know. Gods, what's the right answer to that one?" Arthur looked away, cheeks turning pink. Merlin was starting to like the look of a blushing cheek, perhaps it was association.


Close Your Eyes and Think of Albion 8/? (Warnings: dubcon, fuck or die, bukkake, gokkun) agirlnamedtruth April 8 2013, 01:08:24 UTC
"How about we make it more interesting?" Merlin suggested, remembering the way the knights had reacted to competition the day before, even Arthur had gotten in on it.

"Terms?" Arthur asked, looking around at his men with a smile.

"Drinks tonight to whoever guesses the order in which they fill the cup? Closest one wins, just in case we both get it wrong."

"Is this how you're paying for your tavern habit? Wagering drinks over the sexual stamina of my knights?" Arthur asked, still slightly resentful of the fact he hadn't been able to celebrate with the rest of them the night before. But then he’d made sure Merlin hadn’t either. It was the most through bath he’d ever had in his life and the water had a biting edge of coldness before he had relented and left it.

"We can't all be drinking the essence of our closest friends, can we?" Merlin pointed out.

"Fine. Drinks it is." Arthur agreed. "Leon, Elyan, Lancelot, Percival, Gwaine. Though I fear for Gwaine's ego now I've said that."

"Wise choices," Merlin mused, remembering that the start and end players were the ones that had proved themselves before, the middle ones mixed. A shrewd move.

"And yours?" Arthur asked.

Merlin considered. Gwaine showed no signs of slowing but he could put money on the fact he had tricks up his sleeves. Percival had started first among them; he'd had longer to work on his thoughts. Elyan always seemed to look like he was going to fall apart for a while before he did. Lancelot was an unreadable book, slow and steady, almost completely unaffected.

"Are we allowed to fight dirty?" Merlin asked, certain that he could use some of the things he knew against them, at the right moment.

"Merlin, if you're even capable of fighting dirty then go right ahead."

"Alright; Gwaine. Percival. Leon. Lancelot. Elyan,” Merlin decided.

"I resent that," Gwaine muttered, mostly to himself as he knew he wouldn't get any sympathy from anyone else.

"You come first, half my drinks will go straight to you," Merlin offered.

Gwaine closed his eyes, seemingly considering it.

"What's he doing?" Lancelot asked, from on the other side of the group.

"Imagining the drinks," Elyan joked.

"Imagining the bar maid," Leon chimed in.

"I don't know, Percival, what is he doing?" Merlin asked, smiling to himself. This was an untested theory of his but he already had money riding on it.

"Err," Percival turned to Gwaine beside him, flushing furiously. “Concentrating?”

"Cup?" Gwaine asked, his voice strained. Merlin was actually surprised at the sound of his voice, that had to have been the quietest he'd been in a long time.

Arthur held up the cup, staring in disbelief as he seemed to come on cue, like magic. Arthur tried to hold his arm rigid as it hit the sides, running down into the cup.

"Sorry, Percival, what were you saying before Gwaine so rudely interrupted you by spilling himself like a good little soldier for his king. And I never thought I'd see Gwaine so obedient either, perhaps that's what he wants, to be asked to put on a show for all the knights to see. I mean, he was rather enjoying it, wouldn't you..." Merlin stopped mid-sentence, leaning over the throne to redirect Arthur's arm just in time to catch Percival's seed.

"That's cheating," Arthur complained.

"You said I could play dirty," Merlin reminded him.

"I didn't think you'd play that dirty," Arthur looked over to Percival who was sheepishly lacing himself back up. Gwaine seemed oblivious to what had happened and instead had sunk to the floor, lying back and looking rather pleased with him. Merlin suspected had there been another throne out then he would have placed himself on it.


Close Your Eyes and Think of Albion 9/? (Warnings: dubcon, fuck or die, bukkake, gokkun) agirlnamedtruth April 8 2013, 01:09:26 UTC
Merlin glanced at Leon, hoping he could rely on his sense of duty to Arthur. Merlin knew that the instance Arthur had chosen Leon to be first, Leon would have been determined to live up to his king's expectations. Merlin reckoned the only reason he'd come first the day before was out of duty for his king, determination to cure him as quickly as he was able.

Merlin noticed his breath hitch and his mouth begin to form one of Arthur's titles, no doubt. He nodded over to him and Arthur moved the cup, decidedly less than pleased with Merlin's tactics.

When more trails of while decorated the inside of the cup, coming to pool at the bottom, Leon stepped back leaving just Elyan and Lancelot. Merlin considered his next move, he could either let nature take its course or give it a nudge, albeit an underhanded one. He knew the mere mention of Gwen would send Lancelot over the edge and pull Elyan back from it...but he'd already won. He saved it, letting them fight it out between them, sneaking glances down at Arthur who was trying to watch them both at the same time so he could gauge where best to place the cup. Every time he moved it towards Elyan, sure that cry would be the one, he'd just keep going, stuttering on until...

"Lancelot!" Merlin shouted, hoping that Arthur could move his arm quick enough and breathing a sigh of relief when he did. His relief was short lived when Elyan called out and Arthur had to dive in the other direction, leaving Lancelot still dripping onto the floor.

When Arthur was satisfied that Elyan was done, he relaxed back into his seat, still holding the cup. "What do I do now?"

"Down the hatch." Merlin smiled indulgently, unable to think of a better to put it.

Arthur looked down into the cup; it was about a half filled, way too much for one swallow. "Can't I cut it with wine?"

"I doubt it, I mean, this is a ritual not a banquet," Merlin said. "I can go and get the book if you want?"

"No, that book's nearly as useless as your ability to read it," Arthur swallowed and Merlin wondered if he was talking himself up to it.

"It's probably best not to think about it too much," Merlin said, telling himself the same thing, thankful for the throne in front of him. Just thinking about what was going through Arthur's mind was giving his own mind ideas.

"You're probably right," Arthur said, raising the cup and closing his eyes. "To my health?"

Arthur brought the cup up to his mouth, throwing his head back and swallowing down the contents in three large gulps. When he brought the cup down, Merlin couldn't help but notice a droplet of come slipping from the corner of his mouth, dripping over his chin. Merlin had to clutch the throne just to stop himself from reaching out, catching it and bringing it to his own mouth.

"Sire, you've missed a bit," he said helplessly and watched as Arthur did exactly as he wished he could, catching the drop on his fingertips and absentmindedly sucking them clean.

"How do you feel now, my lord?" Leon asked, seemingly speaking for all the knights as they started at Arthur, waiting to be told if they would have to do a repeat performance.

"Like I need a proper drink. A strong one," Arthur answered. He didn't feel any better yet but he wasn't lying, he needed something to take the taste from his mouth before he got used to it.

"Yeah, you're buying, remember?" Merlin said, certain that this time it had worked.



Close Your Eyes and Think of Albion 10/? (Warnings: dubcon, fuck or die, bukkake, gokkun) agirlnamedtruth April 10 2013, 15:52:22 UTC
This last part is just Arthur/Merlin. Additional warnings include infidelity, healing!cock and dubcon/moral conflict for alcohol consumption as well as the fuck or die scenario.


Arthur's head was pounding and the room was spinning. He closed his eyes; sure that it wasn't just the alcohol and the noise of the tavern.

"Come on, time to get you home, I think," Merlin said, noticing how terrible Arthur looked.

"I'm fine," Arthur said, fighting to open his eyes, defiant that he was fine even if his body was claiming to the contrary.

"Sure, you are but I want to get back so either you'll come with me or you'll have to walk back on your own, get undressed on your own and stumble into bed on your own. All things I'm sure would be much less work with my assistance..." Merlin stood and waited for Arthur to give in.

Arthur sighed and stood, holding on to the table for support. He felt sick to his stomach and he let Merlin direct him to the door, a hand on his back discreetly keeping him upright.

When they got outside, the cold night air hit him like a punch but he felt much better for it.

"Merlin," Arthur said, breathing in the damp air with every step. "You can't take me back. Not like this."

"Like what, sire?" Merlin said indulgently, used to the way Arthur would talk nonsense after a few drinks.

"It hasn't worked, has it? Your cures, they aren't working," Arthur stumbled as he stepped from the dirt of the town to the cobbles of the citadel.

"I probably got the wording wrong again, we'll try again tomorrow," Merlin frowned to himself, worried despite his words. "I'll get it eventually."

Arthur walked in silence through the courtyard while Merlin turned the words over in his head. He was sure it had been consume, he'd even gone so far as to check with Geoffrey. He couldn't be wrong. Arthur stopped dead at the steps, bringing Merlin out of his thoughts.

"Come on, sire" Merlin gave him a gentle nudge. "You can't stand out here all night, you'll freeze."

"What if it gets worse?" Arthur asked, his faith in ever being cured disappearing like smoke with every step he took. "How long does it say I can go on like this?"

"It doesn't," Merlin answered honestly. "But I will find a way... I always do, don't I?"

"Yes, that's true," Arthur agreed, pausing by the doors. "You're always there, aren't you, Merlin?"

"That's because you never give me a day off." Merlin pushed one of the doors open and steered Arthur through it. There were torches lit along the walls and the biting coldness receded in the face of fire.

"No, I mean it," Arthur said, the sudden heat making him dizzy again until he wasn't quite sure what he was saying. "It's you, isn't it?"

"What's me?" Merlin asked, closing the door behind them.

"My most loyal follower," Arthur stepped towards him, blocking his way. "That's why it won't work. It's you."

"Arthur, I'm sure I just got it wrong," Merlin took a breath, sure that he couldn't keep up this pretence for much longer. He'd kept himself out of joining in the last two days so that he wouldn't be taking advantage of Arthur's predicament, he didn't want to take advantage of him now.

"You’ve nearly died to save me, more times than I can count now. You do everything for me.” Arthur paused, the thumping in his head destroying his concentration. “It's so obvious; I don't know why I didn't see it. How you didn't see it."

"I'm no more loyal than your knights," Merlin dismissed the thought. The knights had sworn to serve Arthur, they honourable and...honest. Merlin kept secrets, hid things from Arthur.


Close Your Eyes and Think of Albion 11/? (Warnings: dubcon, fuck or die, bukkake, gokkun) agirlnamedtruth April 10 2013, 15:54:27 UTC
"Just as loyal, then," Arthur said, waving a hand, unable to argue. "I need you as well."

"You're just drunk, you'll think differently in the morning, trust me," Merlin shook his head, making a move to get past him and being blocked again.

"And if I don't make it to morning?" Arthur asked, almost losing focus and having to blink hard to get it back. Everything around Merlin was blurring, worse and worse. "I need you now, you're the only one left I haven't tasted, my last loyal follower."

"Now you're just mumbling. Come on, we'll get you up to bed and we can talk about it in the morning," Merlin stepped forward, despite Arthur's body blocking him. All it got him was closer to Arthur.

"Please, Merlin," Arthur asked, reaching between them to pull on the laces of Merlin's breeches, not missing the fact that Merlin's cock seemed to agree with him, even if Merlin's mouth was denying it.

Merlin closed his eyes, sure he shouldn't be letting Arthur run his fingers over the outline of his cock, sure that he should be stopping him but... could it hurt to try? Even if it didn't work, he could say he'd tried. He could say that was all it had been.

"If it were you in my position, I'd do the same for you, you know I would," Arthur said and Merlin groaned, his resolve starting to crumble because Arthur was trying to say the right thing but he was saying it too right. "Merlin?"

Merlin took a deep breath and opened his eyes, taking in the sincere, almost pleading look on Arthur's face. "Alright."

Arthur nodded, his head swimming as he sank to his knees, nearly falling to them instead. He closed his eyes and the world settled back again, leaving him to navigate by touch. He found the waist of Merlin's breeches, the laces loosened enough that all Arthur had to do was slip his fingers underneath them, push gently and they fell to his knees.

Merlin turned his head, checking the corridors and becoming very aware of the glass of the window behind him, the fact that all it would take would be someone casually walking through the courtyard and they would be seen. Though it comforted him to know that the only people likely to be crossing the courtyard at this time would be the knights and they already knew about Arthur's predicament. He could explain it away as that, he thought and then reminded himself that what was happening, nothing more.

"Arthur," Merlin started, not sure whether he should be asking him to slow down, to really think about what he was doing or to keep going, hurry just in case someone were to come along unexpectedly.

Arthur opened his eyes at the sound of Merlin's voice and looked up at him. He expected everything to start spinning again but something about looking up at Merlin was keeping him grounded, stopping the curse from making him feel like he was being consumed by it. He kept his eyes up, staring into Merlin's as he took his cock, watching as they fluttered closed when his lips closed around its head.


Close Your Eyes and Think of Albion 12/12 (Warnings: dubcon, fuck or die, bukkake, gokkun) agirlnamedtruth April 10 2013, 15:55:33 UTC
He'd never done this before, never sucked a man's cock and he knew in the given circumstances, he was probably making a mess of it. His head was still pounding and it made him haphazard, his teeth catching every so often and spit running over his chin. But Merlin didn't seem to notice, or if he did then he didn't mind because he kept pushing his hips forward, meeting Arthur's mouth. His hand came down to Arthur's hair, stroking it, guiding him and Arthur found the gentle touches oddly reassuring him, making it feel different than the other two attempts at a cure had. With the knights he'd been embarrassed, uncomfortable even because of how much he liked it. He'd welcomed Merlin's distractions; Merlin's suggestions that he could take himself in hand or have an excuse to watch closely as the knights came.

But there were no distractions now, just him and his mouth wrapped around Merlin's cock, tasting the beginnings of his orgasm on his tongue. There were no excuses for the close attention he was paying to Merlin's breathing, his barely suppressed moans. There was no reason why he should be as hard as Merlin was, just from looking up at him and watching him fall apart.

Merlin's hand tightened in his hair, warning just before his seed hit the back of Arthur's throat. This time, he didn't hesitate; he didn't have to divert attention by making jokes. He just swallowed, drank him in until there was nothing left to take.

He felt dizzy again and thought for a second he could feel it inside him, Merlin's essence, a heat running through his chest like that of a good wine. It settled in his stomach, pulling tight and curling, spreading out until he was coming himself, untouched, still kneeling at Merlin's feet.

"Well, that's certainly a sign," Merlin said under his breath, remembering what the book had said as he righted his breeches, tying them just enough to stop them from falling back down.

Arthur looked up at him, his eyes still not quite focused but even the pessimist in Merlin couldn't deny that the flush to his cheeks made him look the healthiest he had in days. "How do you feel?"

"Better," Arthur said finally, dragging the back of his hand shamelessly over his mouth and getting back on his feet. "Honestly, Merlin, I don't know why you couldn't have just offered in the first place."

"I..." Merlin didn't quite know what to say, it had worked, true but how did one say sorry for not asking you to suck me off sooner, sire without ending up in the stocks.

"Hadn't you better be getting to bed?" Arthur asked, changing the subject rapidly when Merlin couldn't answer him. "In the morning you have that bathtub to clean, and the Cup of Life, gods forbid the Druids ever find out what we did with it. And I think a banquet to honour the knights is in order," Arthur paused and glanced down at himself. "Oh, and my laundry, of course."

"Of course," Merlin answered, pulling himself away from the door and walking away. If they were going to pretend this had never happened, he'd rather start sooner than later.

"And Merlin?" Arthur called after Merlin's retreating back. Merlin stopped and turned, wondering what else Arthur could have possibly thought up for him to do. "Thank you."

Merlin couldn't help but smile. Of all the things he'd had to do in the name of duty, that was what he was being thanked for.

"It was my pleasure, sire," he said, turning before he ended up laughing at the look on Arthur's face.


Re: Close Your Eyes and Think of Albion 12/12 (Warnings: dubcon, fuck or die, bukkake, gokkun) agirlnamedtruth April 10 2013, 20:12:21 UTC
Oh my gosh - if you hadn't put in those last three paragraphs this would have been heart-breaking. Really though this ending is perfectly open-ended... With events continue as canon or "pretending nothing happened" would fail in a hopefully happy making way soon.

I enjoyed this fill, thank you for sharing :D


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