Kink Me! #26

Oct 28, 2011 15:39

Kink Me! #26
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And Remember What Came Before 3/3 (Arthur/Merlin preslash) SPOILERS 407 anonymous November 14 2011, 15:23:26 UTC
A hollow feeling settled in Arthur's stomach as he stared at the floor in front of him. Merlin's words made more sense than he would've liked, but he didn't dare think about what they might mean. Not now. He'd had too many surprises over the last couple of days, too many new things to consider.

Even still, he flashed back to his memory of first confronting his uncle about Camelot's traitor. He'd been quick to point out Gaius then, as well...

He looked up, finding Merlin's eyes on him. It could wait. He had other things he needed to discuss.

"Gaius said the sorcerer who killed my father wasn't trying to hurt him."

Merlin stood up straighter, an uneasy look in his eyes, though if it was from the abrupt subject change or the mention of sorcery, he couldn't tell.

"He said the sorcerer did everything he could to help, that I shouldn't blame him for my father's death when he was dying already," Arthur said, his voice wavering ever so slightly. Even after so many months, the memory of his father's death - and his part in it - still stung. The king would have been so ashamed to know he'd sought out magic to save the life of a loved one.

Across the room, Merlin's posture was guarded, wary, as it always seemed to be whenever magic was mentioned. In a way, he couldn't blame him. After all they'd seen of magic - and those who were accused of it - he had every right to be cautious of it.

Still, if there was anyone in Camelot he could trust to help him sort his thoughts out regarding magic, it was Merlin.

Appearing to sense this, his servant swallowed before opening his mouth to speak.

Hesitantly, he said, "I think he's right."

Arthur frowned.

"That sorcerer-" Merlin cut off, looking nervous. "I mean, from what you told me, he really wanted his freedom. What good would it do him to kill your father, when it would just break your bargain and make him a fugitive?"

Pulling a chair out, Arthur sank into it, feeling defeated. "I don't know. Then again, when have sorcerers ever been logical, that we've seen?"

Cautiously, Merlin stepped forward, settling himself into a seat across from him. "But, from what you said, he seemed surprised when Uther died. And at any rate, the- the king was an inch away from death already. That was Odin's doing, not the sorcerer's."

Arthur rested his head on his fist, staring into space. There were too many unknowns. It felt like every time he'd gotten his grip on the world around him, someone was just waiting to pull the rug out from under him again. How could he know what to believe?

"Do you think all magic is evil?" he asked quietly, watching Merlin across the table.

Merlin's fingers dug into the seat beneath him, his eyes distant.

"I- I think it depends on the sorcerer," he said slowly. "I know we've seen quite a few who wanted to harm Camelot, but we've also seen peasants who just wanted to heal a broken leg or stop a fever or make the crops stronger." He looked up, meeting Arthur's eyes for the first time since he'd begun talking.

"I think, in the right hands, magic can be a force for good as well."

Something quiet passed between them then, something Arthur couldn't fully grasp. There was a strangeness to Merlin's expression - something desperate, yet earnest and assured all at once. In all the years he'd known him, he'd never seen him like this.

Speaking softly, afraid to break the spell that had fallen over the room, Arthur said, "Gaius believes that there are others out there, helping me. He said I owe them a great deal."

Merlin was silent, his gaze unwavering. The afternoon sun streamed through the windows, making everything light.

"I should have trusted you, Merlin," he said, meaning every word. "Thank you for helping me to see that."

Across from him, Merlin's lips softened into a smile, hesitant but pleased.

"You're welcome," he said, the words sounding bigger than they should have.

One day you will understand just how much they've done for you.

He breathed out slowly, considering the man in front of him with new eyes.

Yes, maybe one day, he would.

The End.


OP response anonymous November 14 2011, 16:12:44 UTC
O.M.G. This. Is. So. Awesome. So awesome.

*squees* I love it! This goes beyond anything I thought of when I posted this prompt! I love how you took the recent events of the series and gathered them all together, making Arthur see the patterns of what has been happening! Genius!

Heh, I love how Merlin's visible disappointment practically incites Arthur into talking about things he wouldn't normally talk about. He just can't stand the idea of Merlin being upset with him. *giggles* They're so married already. ;)

Again, thank you so much for writing such an amazing fill! :D


Re: OP response 407 spoilers anonymous November 15 2011, 03:09:33 UTC
Thank you very much! I'm really glad it was something close to what you were looking for. S4 has been so dense with things to write about and interconnect, so I'm happy you liked that aspect of it.

(And you know half of what Arthur does is just to make Merlin happy, even if he won't admit it lol. So whipped!)


Re: And Remember What Came Before 3/3 (Arthur/Merlin preslash) SPOILERS 407 tama_abi November 14 2011, 19:34:37 UTC
Wow this is kinda stunning! If you ever consider writing more about this I'd love you forever! Thank you!


Re: And Remember What Came Before 3/3 (Arthur/Merlin preslash) SPOILERS 407 anonymous November 15 2011, 03:11:43 UTC
Thank you very much! This is actually the most I've written in a couple of years, so tbh I'm pleased to have gotten this much out. But if I get any inspiration for taking it further, I'll definitely post it here.

Thanks for reading!


Re: And Remember What Came Before 3/3 (Arthur/Merlin preslash) SPOILERS 407 anonymous November 14 2011, 20:35:50 UTC


Re: And Remember What Came Before 3/3 (Arthur/Merlin preslash) SPOILERS 407 anonymous November 15 2011, 03:12:39 UTC
Thank you!


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Re: And Remember What Came Before 3/3 (Arthur/Merlin preslash) SPOILERS 407 anonymous November 16 2011, 21:10:16 UTC
Thank you very much! I'm really glad you liked it.


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Re: And Remember What Came Before 3/3 (Arthur/Merlin preslash) SPOILERS 407 anonymous November 16 2011, 21:12:22 UTC
Thank you! I really like what they've been doing with Arthur lately (aside from continuing to keep him in the dark) - his attempts to sort out his new world and determine who he can actually trust around him were a lot of fun to explore.


Re: And Remember What Came Before 3/3 (Arthur/Merlin preslash) SPOILERS 407 happyevraftr November 15 2011, 21:30:36 UTC
*sigh* that was so beautiful and just plain perfect!! Thank you for picking up writing again long enough to make this wonderful thing ♥


Re: And Remember What Came Before 3/3 (Arthur/Merlin preslash) SPOILERS 407 anonymous December 9 2011, 04:47:47 UTC
Sorry this is so delayed, but thank you so much for the lovely comments! I admit I was a bit nervous to write anything after so long, but I'm really glad you enjoyed the end result!


Re: And Remember What Came Before 3/3 (Arthur/Merlin preslash) SPOILERS 407 bleedforyou1 November 18 2011, 21:08:56 UTC


Re: And Remember What Came Before 3/3 (Arthur/Merlin preslash) SPOILERS 407 anonymous November 20 2011, 20:11:58 UTC


Re: And Remember What Came Before 3/3 (Arthur/Merlin preslash) SPOILERS 407 k_nightfox November 19 2011, 13:56:05 UTC
This is such a lovely coda! Beautifully written and insightful. Truly a pleasure to read. Thanks for this!


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