Kink Me! #24

Jun 24, 2011 11:50

Kink Me! #24
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They really should have expected this (1/?) Warnings: poss dub-con due to intoxication anonymous October 19 2011, 21:03:28 UTC
(My first time replying, please let me know if I've done anything wrong)

The curtains hadn’t been drawn properly, and the morning light was streaming through the gap straight into Colin’s eyes. Groaning softly he rolled over to turn away from the light, and rolled straight into Bradley who was sprawled across the other half of the bed. What the hell? Bradley was topless, much like Colin was, and Colin could only hope that he was similarly wearing boxers. Colin’s head was pounding as he stared at Bradley and tried to remember what the hell had happened last night. Tattoos? He definitely remembered some talk of tattoos - they had joked about getting matching tattoos last night. Of course, that still didn’t explain why they had ended up sleeping in the same bed, but Colin was willing to overlook that. Very slowly, trying his hardest not to wake Bradley, Colin attempted to examine his whole body, looking for a tell-tale flash of black ink... No sign of ink that he could see. Dear god, they hadn’t gotten tramp stamps had they? Colin leapt out of bed in a moment of panic. And that’s when he saw the used condom on the floor. And when his brain finally registered the small niggling detail that had been bugging him since he had woken up; there was a ring on his left hand. A wedding band. Oh fuck.

Colin locked himself in the bathroom. Bradley continued snoring softly in the large white bed. After splashing his face with ice cold water, Colin shrugged on the t-shirt he had snagged from the end of the bed and sat down on the edge of the bath, trying to control his breathing. The facts so far weren’t looking great. Firstly, he and Bradley were practically naked in bed together (Colin was starting to suspect that those were Bradley’s boxers he had spied by the door, meaning that his friend and co-star was completely starkers under the sheets). Secondly, there was a used condom on the floor. Tentatively Colin felt his arse. Well, he hadn’t been fucked, but maybe it had been the other way round? Or maybe it hadn’t got any further than cheeky blozzers between friends. But, how did that explain the fucking wedding ring? Colin hadn’t checked, but he could only assume that Bradley was sporting an identical one. He really did need to check.

Colin walked back out into the bedroom, to find Bradley still sleeping peacefully. He contemplated waking him for a second, and then thought fuck it. If this was all one big joke, or mistake, at least he could savour this moment for 10 more minutes. Silently, Colin slid back under the covers, and curled up around Bradley, breathing in the scent of his skin, and allowing the soft sound of Bradley’s snores to lull him back to sleep. Nobody needed to know, he could just have this moment.


Re: They really should have expected this (1/?) Warnings: poss dub-con due to intoxication anonymous October 19 2011, 21:19:37 UTC
Very good start. I can't wait for more.


Re: They really should have expected this (1/?) Warnings: poss dub-con due to intoxication anonymous October 19 2011, 21:23:26 UTC
Awww! I'm feeling all squiggly inside from the warm feelings. I love him crawling back and curling up around Bradley for just a few more minutes of that warm feeling. This should be fun!


Re: They really should have expected this (1/?) Warnings: poss dub-con due to intoxication anonymous October 19 2011, 23:15:43 UTC
You should have heard the noises I made when I realised that this was a reply to my prompt. It included possible squealing and OFIJWEIFJOEWIF and embarrassing dances.
Is it too soon to offer to have your babies?

embarrassingly overeager op is embarrassingly pleased that you've begun to fill this, just in case that didn't come across.


Re: They really should have expected this (2/?) Warnings: poss dub-con due to intoxication anonymous October 20 2011, 14:52:47 UTC
Thank you for your lovely comments. OP, I’m glad you’re happy! I hope I live up to your expectations. I’ve tried to actually include the law in how they managed to end up married, I hope it’s believable... Also, quick anon FAIL there. I suck at this.

* * * * *

Bradley felt Colin slide back into bed with him and continued to breathe slowly and evenly, careful not to move until he felt Colin relax down into a peaceful slumber. Bradley had already spotted the rings as well, and didn’t know quite what to make of them. It was unlikely that they’d got married yesterday, right? But he just couldn’t remember. That they’d had sex, Bradley was sure of. He could feel the familiar soreness, even though it had been a while for him. He’d been with a man before, back when he was in drama school when he’d had a boyfriend of sorts, although they hadn’t been very serious. Homosexuality amongst drama students wasn’t a particularly common occurrence and they had kept quiet about it. Drama kids were so dramatic about everything; Bradley (and Max) hadn’t wanted their private lives to be something else for them to fixate on. It had been the only thing that Bradley had disliked about his 3 years at uni, that even the tiniest things had to be blown up and obsessed over. The irony now was that it was no longer just his friends and coursemates who wanted to know all the minutiae about his love life, but the whole bleeding world apparently.

The longer he lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, the more he began to remember. Bradley was 99% certain they were legally married. Which, to be fair, shouldn’t be possible in this country. Two drunken idiots shouldn’t be able to get married on a whim, but they seemed to have royally fucked up this time. Actually, this whole nonsense had started last month, and it was Katie’s fault. The four of them had been having a pub lunch in celebration of her birthday (and really, who gets drunk on a Monday lunchtime?), when Katie had started quizzing Colin about when he was going back to Ireland.

“Col, what are you still doing in London, anyway? I thought you were going back home to see your mum now that filming’s wrapped?”

“Yeah, I’m going tomorrow actually. Just been crashing at Bradley’s, seeing some mates and stuff.”

Angel looked at him quizzically, “aren’t you staying at Bradley’s next week? He said he was throwing a vegetarian dinner party...”

“Yeah yeah, I’m home for a week, but then I’m back in London. Got an audition, for a film.”

After a brief discussion of the part, and the film, Katie had started ripping into him about the amount of time he was spending at Bradley’s; “really Colin, you’re a grown man, isn’t it time you got your own flat in London? You and Bradley may as well be an old married couple for the amount of time you spend with each other.”

At this remark Bradley and Colin had shared a laugh and a scoff. Yeah yeah, laugh it up, the old bromance that everyone was always going on about. But the girls hadn’t just laughed it off, and instead had kept going on about it, that in the end Bradley had just had enough.

“For fuck’s sake you two, would you just give it a rest?” Both Angel and Katie had shut up immediately, looking chastened, but Bradley hadn’t stopped there. “If you’re so adamant that me and Colin are fucking married already they why don’t we just pop next door and register for a fucking civil partnership?”


Re: They really should have expected this (2b/?) Warnings: poss dub-con due to intoxication anonymous October 20 2011, 15:00:20 UTC
Bradley had known what he was saying, knew they were eating lunch in a pub practically next door to the council offices. And really, what was the harm? Registering an intent for a civil partnership meant nothing in legal terms, and Bradley knew that this extreme boldness would shut them both up. And so they had. They’d finished their drinks and Bradley had stormed off into the council offices, dragging Colin with him, with the girls following silently behind. And they’d done it. Had to show ID, but that was it. Didn’t even matter that Colin wasn’t an official resident in the district, he was still a UK citizen. The girls hadn’t said another word, and Bradley and Colin had been left in peace as the four of them spent the rest of the afternoon together.

That afternoon had been over two weeks ago now, and Bradley hadn’t given it a second moment’s thought. Until yesterday, apparently. Colin had got the film part, got the call at 10 o clock in the morning, when he and Bradley were sitting on Bradley’s sofa in their pyjamas eating porridge and watching Jeremy Kyle.

“Well, fuck it then, let’s go down the pub to celebrate?”

Colin had eyed Bradley warily at this statement, but half an hour later, they had found themselves down Bradley’s local, raising a pint of Guinness each in a toast. When Bradley had been at uni, they’d had a few ‘all-day benders’; one at the end of each term, when all the assignments and coursework had been done. It had been horrific then, when he was 18, and it was horrific now he had inadvertently commenced on one again, as a grown adult who should know better.

By 3pm, they were well and truly drunk. Colin was an affectionate drunk, and he was leaning heavily on Bradley as they wandered past King’s Cross looking for another pub. They’d outstayed their welcome in the first one, probably after they started trying to throw tequila shots into each other’s mouths from across the table. However, as they’d staggered down Euston Road, they’d stumbled past the same old council offices they’d frequented on Katie’s birthday.

“Hey, hey Bradley. Bradley. This is where we got married!”

“We didn’t get maaaarried Cols. We got intended.” He was slurring his words.

“Intended? Like in Pride and Prejudice. I’ll be Mr. Darcy. You can be Elizabeth.” This comment sent Colin off into fits of (manly, thank you very much) giggles.

Bradley shoved Colin playfully. “No, you idiot. Like. Like we intended to get married. Some other day. Like, a warning. Yeah, a warning.”

“Oh.” Colin seemed dismayed, “So why don’t we do it now then?”

“Do what now?”

“Get married.”

“Oh.” Bradley was quiet for a minute. “Ok then.”

And so they did.


Re: They really should have expected this (2b/?) Warnings: poss dub-con due to intoxication anonymous October 20 2011, 16:14:36 UTC
OP HERE AGAIN. Oh my god another update in less than 24 hours. Anon, you are spoiling us.

CLEARLY bennett!BRADLEY AND darcy!COLIN SHOULD BE DRUNK ALL THE AFTERNOONS. They make the best decisions drunk. Anon, I'm so flipping excited. In case that didn't come across.


Re: They really should have expected this (2b/?) Warnings: poss dub-con due to intoxication anonymous October 20 2011, 16:28:11 UTC
Fail D:


Re: They really should have expected this (2b/?) Warnings: poss dub-con due to intoxication anonymous October 20 2011, 20:02:45 UTC
Awwww.. can't wait for more.


Re: They really should have expected this (2b/?) Warnings: poss dub-con due to intoxication anonymous October 21 2011, 13:02:23 UTC
Oh boys LOL ^_________________^

This is really good.


Re: They really should have expected this (2b/?) Warnings: poss dub-con due to intoxication brunettepet October 21 2011, 19:45:43 UTC
Oh, boys, the things you think are a great idea when you're hammered are seldom such a genius plan in the sober light of dawn. This time, though, it's brilliant! They're married and they've consummated the marriage and now what? I'm looking forward to finding out.


Re: They really should have expected this (2b/?) Warnings: poss dub-con due to intoxication anonymous October 22 2011, 17:15:49 UTC
Oh my drunk boys!!! This story is adorable so far!


Re: They really should have expected this (2b/?) Warnings: poss dub-con due to intoxication slantedknitting October 26 2011, 04:54:35 UTC
like a warning...


haha. anyway, this is great! can't wait for more :D


Re: They really should have expected this (3a/?) Warnings: poss dub-con due to intoxication anonymous October 28 2011, 16:37:41 UTC
Bradley only really remembers snippets after that. He isn’t sure where the rings came from, although they do look pretty cheap. He doesn’t know where they are now, although it is obviously a hotel (and not his own flat, he’s not that stupid). He knows they have an official document, and that he joked that they should get it framed. He knows they started drinking champagne after the ceremony, they had gone to the champagne bar in St. Pancras station, and stayed there for a few good hours. He remembers ribbing Colin that he should have been wearing a dress. He remembers talk about matching tattoos (that one had been Colin’s idea; “honestly Colin, they don’t let you get a tattoo if you’re drunk”). They had even debated booking onto the Eurostar and honeymooning in Paris. And really, what the fuck? Bradley distinctly remembered that conversation. Colin telling Bradley how much he loved Paris, and how ever since they’d started filming in France, he’d decided he wanted to have his honeymoon in Paris.

They had discussed the logistics and details as if they really were married. But they were. There were no girls to egg the prank along, nobody watching, nobody expecting anything. Just Colin and Bradley exceptionally drunk, and apparently exceptionally stupid. Bradley didn’t even think that Colin liked men, and although Bradley himself fully accepted he was bisexual, he’d always intended to marry a woman, have kids, be conventional. Not that there was anything wrong with being gay, Bradley would be a fucking hypocrite if he thought that. It was just that being gay, even nowadays, still had stigma attached, still had problems, especially for actors. He still liked women, he just liked men as well, and so why would he choose to make life harder for himself, what would be the point?

One thing Bradley did remember with startling clarity was the sex. With Colin. And ok, maybe he had thought about it once or twice before, coming hard and fast into his own fist, and then unable to look Colin in the eye the following day, flooded with guilt. But nothing he had imagined had come anywhere close to the reality. He’d seen Colin practically naked before, but having the full package laid bare before him... Colin was beautiful, all pale skin and lean muscle, contrasting perfectly with his mess of dark hair. And those cheekbones, fuck, how they’d been stained red with pleasure as Colin had pushed into him, excruciatingly slowly. Bradley wasn’t going to forget the look on Colin’s face in that moment for the rest of his life.

And that was the point really, wasn’t it? Bradley had thought that his feelings for his co-star had been one sided, had been wrong. It was wrong after all, to lust after your perfectly straight friends, to perve on them during costume changes because they didn’t know to suspect you, wasn’t it? But the look on Colin’s face, that fucking look, it had looked like reverence, like something completely beautiful was happening. Colin had looked happy, really perfectly happy. Was Colin hiding a secret, just as Bradley was? He’d never shown any sort of sign or given any sort of indication that he even liked men. Was he in denial? But if he was, how the hell was Bradley going to confront him about it? If they’d just had a drunken kiss, it would have been fine. They could have joked about it, and then maybe, tentatively explored each other feelings, tried again without the alcohol. Instead, they’d got married. And really, who the fuck does that?


Re: They really should have expected this (3b/?) Warnings: poss dub-con due to intoxication anonymous October 28 2011, 16:40:20 UTC
Bradley groaned softly. His head was fucking spinning, and his stomach felt extremely delicate. 9am the morning of an epic hangover really wasn’t the time to be attempting to solve problems like this. Bradley just wanted to curl up around Colin, to mouth kisses down his spine (and wasn’t it a shame that Colin had put a t-shirt on?), and fall asleep sharing body heat. The real problem was that Bradley knew Colin, knew his mind, knew his reactions. Bradley had tested the waters before, not in relation to himself, but just in general.

On the way out of the new X-Men film; “Fuck me, Michael Fassbender is hot as. I wouldn’t say no.” A joke, but the truth as well.

Or, after the knights had posed for The Gay Times; “To be fair, with guns like that, who wouldn’t like Tom?”

Always casual, always teasing. But Colin had never responded, had only ever looked at Bradley with a hard glint in his eye. If Colin did like him, could possibly like men, he certainly wasn’t admitting it, not even to himself, obviously wasn’t comfortable with it. There was no way on earth that Bradley could casually suggest that maybe they try dating. Colin would just freak out, run away. For god’s sake, he’d already had a mini freak-out this morning, just at finding himself in bed with Bradley. Did that mean he should just forget it?

Dissolving a civil partnership really couldn’t be that hard, right? Maybe Bradley should just go back to watching Colin from afar, trying not to stare too long. Go back to shameful wanking in the middle of the night, Colin’s name lost on his lips. Was it even worth it? Bradley thought again about his own thoughts on gay marriage, how he’d always told himself he wouldn’t choose that. But maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t a choice?

Bradley could think of only one way that it might just work, that might just leave him with a chance, without screwing this all up entirely... At that thought, Bradley gave in to his hangover, and settled down against Colin’s side, letting himself fall back asleep, a soft smile on his lips, content.

I’m really excited that people are reading this!! Thank you for your comments, they make me smile :D :D In case anyone really wanted to know, there is actually a champagne bar in St Pancras (where the Eurostar goes from), and the station is basically opposite the Camden Council offices... This is believable I swear!! I also swear that they are going to talk to each other eventually. Hangovers are tough, let them sleep. I also apologise for my obsession with commas, it’s an addiction, I’m trying to get help.


Re: They really should have expected this (3b/?) Warnings: poss dub-con due to intoxication anonymous October 28 2011, 17:06:20 UTC
OP adores you <3


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