Kink Me! #1

Mar 26, 2009 20:00

Kink Me! #1 Closed to new prompts
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part 3 anonymous May 14 2009, 14:29:57 UTC


In the third month of Arthur’s kingship, Uther dies.

Arthur makes all the necessary preparations for his burial, straight-faced and calm, but Morgana can see the grief etched into his features.

At night, she and Gwen go to visit him in his rooms, and ignore his protests, claiming to want to see Merlin, who won’t leave his side.

Merlin, slow-footed with worry and exhaustion, trips and spills wine all over Arthur’s mourning clothes.

“You idiot,” shouts Arthur, and wrestles Merlin to the floor, but Merlin’s laughing, and after a moment, Morgana realizes that Arthur’s beginning to laugh too.

“Leave him alone, you horrid bully,” she says, “Just because you’re king doesn’t mean you can treat him like this.”

Arthur twists around to scowl at her. “Would you like to know what I can do, as king, Morgana? I can have you all beheaded for treason.”

“Even me, sire?” asks Gwen plaintively, all timid voice and dancing eyes.

Arthur looks over to where she is plaiting flowers into Morgana’s hair (Morgana strongly suspects she is covertly trying to coax a reaction from Arthur) and responds predictably.

“You utter women,” he bursts out.

“Yes, Arthur, we are women,” says Morgana drily, “how kind of you to notice.”

He ignores her. “Of course I won’t have you beheaded, Guinevere. In fact, you can marry me. You’re the only one I can stand here anyway.”

“But what about me, Arthur?” sighs Merlin from the floor, “You promised me that you loved me forever. I mean, you didn’t, but you meant to. I know you did”

“Oh God,” Arthur groans, “Is it actually impossible for you to be silent ever? If you can’t talk sense, it would really be wise for you not to speak at all.”

“You can deny it all you want, but we both know -“ Arthur reaches down to cover Merlin’s mouth with his hand, (Merlin starts squirming, but he’s not really trying to get away) and then looks back at Gwen.

“So what do you think, Guinevere? We could have these two thrown in the dungeons.”

“Oh no! I’m fond of them. I don’t want them to be thrown in the dungeons. Besides, my father told me never to marry a boy who didn’t have a hammer of his own.”

“A hammer.” Arthur raises an eyebrow, but to his credit, lets her continue.

“Yes!” Gwen is clearly struggling to keep a straight face. “A hammer. That he makes himself. With wood, to symbolize strength and resilience, and metal that he mines himself to symbolize strength and melting - I mean, the ability to change one’s opinions if it’s necessary and right to, and the hammer itself which symbolizes - well, strength, and you know, beats things.”

“And has utilitarian purposes, unlike Arthur,” adds Morgana helpfully.

Arthur glares at her, but says only, “A blacksmithing ritual then” and when Gwen nods vigorously, “Well, it was worth a try anyway, I suppose I shall have to get my heirs the traditional way.”

Gwen is scrutinizing the floor, so Morgana says, poisonously sweet, “And what way is that, Arthur?”

“Bastards,” says Arthur, “What, you didn’t think I was going to marry you, did you, Morgana? I’m so sorry to disappoint you.”

She wants to say, I prefer Gwen anyway , but the atmosphere here is too easy for that, and Morgana is no coward, so instead she says, “I’m devastated, Arthur. I’ve dreamed of marrying you since I was a child. I had my dress picked out and everything.”

“Well, we’ll marry you off to someone else, then” says Arthur, not meaning a word of it, and finally he uncovers Merlin’s mouth.

Over Merlin’s offended ranting, Morgana leans back against Gwen’s knees, and closes her eyes, comforted.


Re: part 3 anonymous May 14 2009, 14:30:41 UTC

Before the ceremony, she visits Morgana.

“You’re stunning, Gwen,” says Morgana, “Every inch a queen.”

She tries, “Thank you, my lady. Your opinion means a lot to me.”

“Gwen - “ starts Morgana, “You must know that I love you. Very much. I will do anything to protect you. I don’t wish to - “

Gwen stares hard at the floor, and finally she says, “I - I feel the same way.”

She wants to continue, to explain further, but Morgana moves forward and kisses her firmly, and she finds she has nothing to say.

Morgana pulls away and says, very close, “You should go. I’ll be there. I wish you every happiness, Gwen.”

“Yes!” says Gwen, “I should go. I have to attend this marriage to, um, be married,” and she leaves before she can say anything unutterably stupid like, this is a mistake, isn’t it?

After the ceremony, she follows Arthur to his chambers, and tries to not wonder if this is as unfamiliar and uncomfortable for him as it is for her, if he wishes that someone else were there with him.

“My God,” he exclaims, throwing his tunic over a chair, “That was the most hideous thing I have ever had to endure. Not you, of course. You looked - “ He raises his eyebrows in appreciation, and she smiles, surprised to realize it isn’t at all forced.

“Perhaps it was on purpose,” she ventures, “They make the wedding horrible so everything after is - not as horrible.”

He laughs. “Well, considering I’ve had three separate wives - of knights, you know -tell me that I have to treat you with caution, I wouldn’t hold my breath.” His smile goes on for a moment too long, and he says heavily, “Guinevere. When I was a child, I told myself that I would never marry a woman I didn’t love. That’s a promise that I’ve kept. Morgana doesn’t seem to realize - . I didn’t marry you for any political gain. It’s true that it might make my people more - willing to listen, now that I’ve married someone who isn’t noble, and it’s true I need people like you around, who aren’t nobility, and who aren’t afraid to speak their minds when I’m wrong and even when I’m right. But I do love you. And I want to make you happy. If you’ve any doubt of this, I would ask you not to stay. I don’t want - “

She doesn’t know what to say, she doesn’t even know if she does have doubts, so she crosses to him, and kisses him, and he smiles into her mouth.

His touch is nothing like she had expected, careful and full of uncertainty. She finds she can respond easily, even though his body is new to her, and she’s not sure she wants it at all.

Afterwards he kisses her, and falls asleep stroking her hair.

She rests her head on his shoulder, stares up at the ceiling, and thinks of Morgana, aching and alone.


part 5 (much shorter) anonymous May 14 2009, 14:32:51 UTC
Before the ceremony, Gwen visits her.

“You look lovely, my lady,” she breathes.

“Thank you, Gwen,” she says, “I think I look rather nice myself.”

“I suppose you’ll have to - I mean with Arthur, “ she begins, “Not that that’s a bad thing; Arthur’s very handsome, if you’re into that sort of thing. Not that I’m into that sort of thing-”

“Yes, Gwen, I’ll have to. With Arthur,” Morgana replies, amused, “It doesn’t really matter. Unless you think it matters.”

“Why -why would I think it matters?”

“Oh,” Morgana muses, “I rather thought - I guess I was mistaken.” She can’t help the smile that is beginning on her face.

Gwen stares fiercely at the floor, but her voice is clear. “I don’t think it matters. I mean, I know, I know that even if you, with him, that you - “

The air in the room is very still when Morgana kisses her.

After the ceremony, she goes back to Arthur’s rooms with him.

“We are expected to consummate this marriage, you know, Morgana,” he says, narrowly.

“Yes, of course I know that, Arthur,” she says, “I would ask you to be quick, but I don’t imagine that will be a problem. So do take your time. Gwen’s expecting me.”


part 6 anonymous May 14 2009, 14:35:23 UTC
“Fifteen lashes?” she demands, storming into the throne room. It’s a good thing that only Arthur and Merlin are there, she thinks dizzily, but the verdict has already been passed. “Arthur, you can’t be serious.”

“Justice must be served,” he says, implacable.

“Justice?” She can’t believe what she’s hearing.

“Merlin killed three people with his magic. There is no recourse.”

“Think of how many people he saved. A lot more than three people died before he used magic. There was no other way.”

“Do you think I can tell that to the families of the people who were killed?” he insists. “That I can say, ‘well, at least he meant well’? I can’t make exceptions to the law, Guinevere, not if the law is a sound one, not even for the people I - not even for the people I care about. Especially not for the people I care about. If I do, I’ll become the kind of king my father was.” He’s never spoken ill of his father. “I can’t do that. I can’t lose my ability to distance myself from the problem and judge it objectively.”

“If you do this, you’ll become the kind of king your father was,” she says. “Merlin, tell him he’s mad.“

“Guinevere, this is hard for me too, but -,” Arthur starts, and Merlin speaks for the first time.

“No Gwen, Arthur’s right. I shouldn’t have used magic first. You of all people know how dangerous magic can be and how much the people of Camelot are still afraid of it.”

“Merlin, how dare you - “

“No, no, Gwen I’m sorry. But you understand, don’t you?” he beseeches. “Everyone knows how close I am to Arthur, and how close I am to you. If I did a bad thing, then I should suffer for it, and everyone will know that Arthur will do anything to ensure that justice is served.”

“Thank you Merlin,” Arthur says drily, “I really needed your support.”

“Really, Gwen. I don’t mind. I’m happy to.”

“Well, you might not mind, Merlin, but I do, and - “

Arthur lays a hand on her shoulder and says, very quietly, “Gwen. I can’t.”

For all that he is more learned even than Gaius, Merlin doesn’t appear again for three days, and Gwen has to stay with Morgana, who is violently ill. On the third day, Arthur finally goes to visit him, but when he returns, his face is expressionless, and when he addresses the court, when he explains his justice, his voice is entirely even.

“It won’t end here,” says Morgana.

“I can’t,” said Arthur.


part 7 anonymous May 14 2009, 14:42:12 UTC
In Arthur’s chambers, they discuss matters of state, while Merlin hurls tiny animated fireballs at Gwen, who catches them in a curiously fire resistant cloth.

“Morgana,” says Arthur in irritation, “do try to pay attention.” And then, “Merlin.”

“Sorry, sorry,” laughs Merlin, “You know, in France, they do this thing where for every three fields, they only plant two of them: one with normal crops and one with beans and things, and the third they let lie fallow, and then they rotate like that, every year. It takes up a lot of land, but it seems to work. I read it in a book.”

“Oh, well in that case - “

“No, no, the principle behind it is sound. The beans fix something in the soil, that the grain crops deplete. We did it on a bit of a smaller scale in Ealdor. I was a farmer, you know, before I came here.”

“Yes, and I imagine you were as rubbish at it as you are at everything else. No doubt your village threw you out because they could no longer tolerate your incompetence. I wonder why I haven’t followed their noble example.” Arthur considers, “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“What, that I was a farmer? I rather thought you knew.”

“No, idiot. About the crop rotation thing.”

“Oh that. I forgot.”

“You -“ Arthur begins, but Morgana interrupts him. “No, Arthur, it’s really not Merlin’s fault. It’s lovely that you consider each petition so deeply, and the people of Camelot feel comfortable coming to you with their problems, and I have no desire to be your nursemaid, but it’s late. We should go to bed.”

“What, together?” Gwen asks. She eyes the bed dubiously. “it’s quite a big bed, but I really think -“

Perhaps it’s the lateness of the hour, or the tension finally uncoiling in her muscles, or the quantity of wine she’s drunk, but Morgana stares at her for several seconds and bursts into laughter.

“No,” says Arthur flatly. “There will be none of that. I see enough of Morgana as it is, thank you.”

Gwen blushes furiously, but Morgana can’t stop laughing as Merlin laughs, delighted, into Gwen’s hair, as Merlin loops an arm about her waist, as Merlin laughs as Arthur laughs, until Gwen’s laughing too.

Much later, Merlin’s voice comes in the darkness.

“There’s an elbow in my ribs, and I think it’s yours, Arthur.”

“Mmm,” says Morgana, “if you don’t mind terribly, I think Gwen and I will stick to our own bed from now on.”

“Of course I mind!” says Merlin, sitting up indignantly, “I didn’t become the greatest sorcerer in the world for Arthur’s sake, you know. I did it for the attentions of beautiful women, and I’m not going to give them up just because - “

Arthur groans into his pillow, and reaches up and back, covering Merlin’s face with his hand and pulling him back down.

He peers blearily over Merlin’s shoulder at Morgana and says, “You can both have him you know. God knows I don’t want him.” Merlin makes a muffled noise of protest. “Or we can do this without him next time. You and I are the ones who are married here, it seems only right.”

“Oh no,” says Gwen, sounding suspiciously bright, “We like him. I mean, we like you too. We like both of you. It just wouldn’t be the same.”

“Oh hello, Gwen,” says Morgana, “I didn’t realize you were awake. No Arthur, this was lovely, but I don’t think the kingdom would react favourably if its king and queen attended court with black eyes.”

Arthur glares. “Merlin gives me black eyes anyway, with all his flailing around.”

Morgana snorts, and Arthur says, “Not that like that, you filthy woman,” at the same time that Merlin mumbles, “Shut up, I do nothing of the sort.”

“Oh well,” says Arthur, “It was worth a try anyway.”

Gwen says, “I think we should do it again. Just not, you know, make it a regular thing.”

“That would be very nice,” replies Arthur equably, and reaches across Merlin to draw Morgana in, to draw Gwen in.


part 8 anonymous May 14 2009, 14:46:19 UTC
Autumn comes to Camelot, and the trees turn brown, and Morgana leaves for good.

"It's not your fault," says Merlin.

It's not her fault, there were so many little things. So many tiny, inconsequential things that could have changed this:

If Morgana had thought to tell her, if she had thought to ask. If the magic had been a little less, or Merlin a little more. If Arthur had realized sooner how much he needed her, how much they needed each other. If she had thought to reach out a half-moment sooner, that the hesitation might not have overcome her.

"I'll be leaving too, soon," he says. "It's not - I don't want to leave him, I don't want to leave you. I don't want to, but I've got to. I don't know why, but I know I do. And you - you're going to have to take care of him when I'm gone. He needs you."

"All he needs is someone to argue with him, so he knows he's making the right decision," she says, "I can do that without you telling me, Merlin."

"No, he needs you. You - you'd be a great queen without him, Gwen. You're so strong, and - you'd be a great queen. But he needs you, you need to be there. He's changed. Not for the worse, he's a great king, but he - I don't know. He needs you."

"All right, Merlin," she says, but for him, she keeps her voice as light as possible, tries to smile, "I heard you."

"He likes to see the people he cares about happy." He doesn't say loves, she notices. He won't say, the people he loves.

“He does love you, you know.” His face, which has always betrayed everything, shows nothing but defeat, and the emphasis on you is so slight, she’s almost certain she’s imagined it. “He’s wants you to - . He’s willing to - . What else is love? Would we feel the same way about him if he wasn’t the person he is? If he wasn’t willing to sacrifice everything to be a better king?”

He's silent for a long time, hunched over himself, arms crossed.
"Gwen," he says, forehead to the window frame, "You - just because you love someone, that doesn't mean you can never love anyone else, ever again. You should be happy, you know. You deserve to be happy. She would want that."

She wants to ask if he's been able to take his own advice, she wants to hurt him. But he's her friend, and he cares, and she cares, and they’ve both been left, really, and so instead she says, "I see, Merlin. And when did you become the authority on love?"

"Oh I read books," he laughs, "Lots and lots of books. They teach you things, you know."

"Oh?" she can feel herself beginning to smile, and it feels stretched, unnatural, she'll miss him, "You've hid it well then."

She can hear Arthur calling for Merlin, and a moment later, he opens the door.

"Merlin," he says, "didn't you hear me yelling? Was it too taxing to your scant intelligence for you to respond?" And then afterthought, "Guinevere. Hello, I didn't expect to see you here."

"You can't tell me what to do," says Merlin, his smile huge on his thin face, and Gwen wonders if Arthur knows how false it is.

"Actually, Merlin, I can. I'm the king." He narrows his eyes, and finally turns to Gwen, "You must excuse us, unless - we should appreciate your counsel, if you wish to give it, Guinevere."

"No thank you, Arthur," she responds, treating the request as the honour she knows it to be, "I think I'd like to be alone for a while."

"My love," says Arthur, "I know this is hard for you. Anything I can do - anything at all, anything you want is yours." He's giving her permission, she knows, and she knows she doesn't need it from him. (He’s trying so hard.)

She is a queen. She will comport herself in a manner befitting her station.

She crosses towards the window, and looks out towards the stables, where the air is heavy and saturated and grey, where Lancelot is waiting.

"I think I'll go for a ride," she says.


final part! anonymous May 14 2009, 14:48:16 UTC
She finds that she wants to discuss the state of her kingdom, even in bed. It’s an ailment that she imagines -no, she knows - that Arthur suffers from as well. Happiness somehow makes her resolve sharper, as if she intends to impose her happiness on the entire world.

Besides, she likes to hear Gwen talk like this, serious and private, mouth on skin.

But now, with the air thick and fragile between them, it becomes easier to focus instead on the steady press of Gwen’s fingers on her hips.

“You know,” she interrupts herself, “I have a hammer of my own.”

“You do?” Gwen replies.

“Yes, I do. Not like that, don't be disgusting. I don't even know what you mean. A real hammer. And I made it myself, when I was ten or eleven. Your father showed me. Don’t you remember?”

“I shall have to consider it my betrothal present,” Gwen says, very serious, “Sorry, what were you saying, before?”

Morgana laughs, and moves forward into her mouth.

“It can wait,” she says.


Re: final part! anonymous May 14 2009, 15:33:46 UTC
Wow. This is incredible. I'll admit, there were bits where I was a little confused, not entirely sure which scenes went together, but by the end just ...gah. The one's so heartbreaking and the other's so lovely and wonderful, and the contrast just makes each one more intense and gah. Simply stunning.


Re: final part! anonymous May 15 2009, 03:19:17 UTC
Wow. It took me a bit to figure out the core differences between the possible futures, but this was a beautiful (and hopeful) reinterpretation of possible futures. I particularly loved the teasing when they were four to a bed, and Morgana saying she made her own hammer. ^_^


Re: final part! anonymous June 11 2009, 11:48:27 UTC
This is utterly brilliant, you managed to make me laugh and then you made me cry, and then at the end there, I cracked a smile again. I'm ever so grateful that you went out on the happy future, the one that's all about trust and truths. The other one, the one that's so much closer to legend, is the one that breaks my heart, and I'm terrified that this is what we'll get from the show - so I'm glad there is another option. Thank you.


Re: final part! codfisch June 12 2009, 16:58:18 UTC
This was very sweet. I really liked it--definitely was somewhat confused, but I love the story itself a lot. It's unlike anything I've read before, dreamy and realistic and hopeful and sad.


edited anonymous June 30 2009, 16:13:36 UTC
and clarified here


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