
Nov 03, 2003 17:21

warning: this is a post all about menstruation periods, so don’t read it if you don’t wanna know.

i just recently realized how inconvenient tampons are. white chicks are always like ew who would wear a pad it’s like a diaper or whatever, but tampons STOP WORKING after a while... and you have to change before that otherwise it’s quite a mess. at least that’s what a friend told me. *cough cough* so yes... and at the camp some girls were like “does anyone have a pad?” and the white chicks were like “um no” and left, and then the native girls were like “why would you walk around with something shoved up your” and so that made me think. there are positive sides to both of course... like you know swimsuits or whatever.
when i was in grade three, i took the bus home with these two girls, amanda and camille. one day, amanda said “do you guys know what a period is?” and i was like “no.” and camaille was like “yeah, a dot.” (and i knew about the dots btw) so amanda was like “it’s when a girl pees blood.” and i was sorta scared cuz you know that kinda sounds scary.
two years later, at the beggining of grade five, i started my period, but all i really knew about it was what amanda told me. so when my mom was like “did you start your period?” i was traumatized. she was all calm, showed me how to put on a pad and left me there. so that was that. every 28 days for 6 days, (excluding the fourth) i was on my period. a few months later the teacher taught us about it in health class, so it was old news.
on one of the last days of school in grade five, one of my best friends corie started her period. everyone was like a little amazed or something. i was just like “i started last year” i don’t remember what happened after that. and in grade 6, carol-ann showed me a pad in her backpack that her mom told her to carry around ‘just in case.’ that’s around the time i realized i started super early. also corie once was like in the playground “hey jessica can i ask you a personal question?” and i said “okay” and she said “why are your boobs so big?” now wth am i supposed to say to that? i just shrugged an ‘i don’t know’ and that was quite embarrassing.
the first day of my period is always hell. if i don’t take something for the cramps, i can’t do jack shit but sit there and feel sick. EVERY month in grade 8 and 9, i went home sick from school. my friends and i used to joke about it. the office knew my name because of my montly mentally sick days. it’s nice how it doesn’t matter in junior high. but like still now, if i don’t take some advil or something i almost die of pain, only on the first day. afterwards it’s fine.
in grade nine, erica and i, our periods were synchronized. that was so cool. and like a few months ago i read that that can actually happen when two girls spend enough time together. i still think it’s cool (:
last year i went to this other camp in march, they did a sweatlodge which is a big deal to the natives, it’s some spiritual sauna. girls 4 days before and 4 days after their periods aren’t allowed to go, and guess who was just about to start.. ME yay. so i wasn’t allowed into this thing, that was apparently really deep everyone was crying and letting their hearts out. i still don’t really know what a sweat lodge is. instead we went to a campfire and talked about things. i still think it was cool. the native lady said that when a woman was on her period, she was extremely strong and couldn’t go into a sweatlodge cuz she would take all the power away from the others. like suck it into her or something. i thought that was great. they totally think periods are good and special and they get special treatment and stuff. i never even knew it could be a good thing. i wish white ppl were like that too somehow, we don’t really live in teepees anymore so i’m not sure if it would work.
this summer, before i left for quebec i had my period, like two days before the departure date it ended. on that same day i threw up. i've ALWAYS gotten sick on vacations, any time i am away from home, my grandmother thinks it's some weird subconsious thing. it was either that or my period, because i stayed in quebec for 6 weeks, if you include the train ride it was 7 weeks... and no period! i've never ever been that long without a period.. it was always always four weeks before this. isn't that cool? and strange. i loved it. the girls that worked with me made fun of me when i considered the possibility or pregnancy. i am the virgin mary, except not.
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