Jan 12, 2010 00:14
Midnight isn't even that late but I know I should already be asleep and packed. I am neither of those things. In my head there are currently the following items:
-The Christmas Fic For Laura
-The Firefly-Bandom AU of DOOM
-The harmonies I just figured out for 7 Minutes in Heaven (this is a big deal)
-The stuff I need to run to CVS and get
-The classes I'm about to start AHHHHHHHHH
-The lack of money in my collective accounts due in direct part to the heinous cost of school books.
-The fact that I missed Castle tonight.
I'm having a lot of thinky thoughts about empathy lately, and it's becoming distinctly poem looking. Or it has the potential to become so, I'm not sure which.
I do not want to start this semester yet. I want to see my friends from home more and I want to have lived at home less and I want to have a magical fairy that does my packing for me instead of a demented ghoul that lives in the back of my head and hits me when I don't write the things it wants me to write.
On the other hand, I got tattooed again, which really made up for a lot of the bad that was generated this break. Really.