Re: Post Screening

May 18, 2011 21:54

Hey! So apparently LJ is now taking botting seriously. Unfortunately, since I have not been on LJ all that much of late, I missed this, and repeated posts from a bot (now banned, huzzah!) seemed to have set the default for new comments to the main post to "screened." This should be fixed now. I have unscreened the comments made since then, in any case, and I apologize for my lazy modding. (Truth is, you guys have been so good I kind of thought you didn't need me! And also RL stuff.)

Other new LJ features: the EXPAND function is universal! You probably all knew this. I, however, did not. I'm enjoying going down and seeing all the replies without leaving the main comment pages now, and if you haven't yet, you should, too.

Possibly there is other other new stuff, but I've not noticed anything else huge.

I want to thank the kind anon who alerted me to the issue by bringing it up in the other mod post. You rock, anon!

I think that's all there is for now. If not, feel free to post here or in the aforementioned other mod post!


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