Title: Rites and Rituals
kathierif_fic aka
mistokath13 the unreliable (Sorry, Andrea!)
Fandom: The Hobbit (Jackson movies)
Word Count: 16.208
Rating: FRAO/Explicit
Characters/Pairings: Dwalin/Thorin Oakenshield, with a supporting cast of mainly Fíli, Kíli, Dain Ironfoot and Bilbo Baggins
Contains: First Time, Nobody-dies-AU (although with lasting injuries in some cases)
Summary: The Battle of the Five Armies is over, and Thorin should be crowned King under the Mountain - and then it is discovered that, by ancient Dwarven Laws, he is still considered a Child because he never went through the proper Rites and Rituals of Adulthood and therefore not eligible for the Throne. It's up to Dwalin now to right the wrongs and teach Thorin all about the joys of Dwarvish Adulthood.
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