Sometimes, I wish my subconscience would try to say something to me

Jun 22, 2011 05:27

....I have the weirdest dream. Yesterday, I dreamt that I had tea with a baby....It wasn't an ordinary baby. My dreams don't do ordinary. This was a talking vampire baby. Yet, there was one thing that bothered me. It wasn't the baby. Oh no, if I freaked over the baby that would be normal. The one problem I had with the whole dream was that we didn't have sandwiches or pastries to accompany our tea. Yes, that was my biggest problem with my dream.  /)_(\

What does this say about me?

Aside from that oddity, I have new glasses! They are pretty and blue. I'm going to dress up for Halloween...Why? I...have no clue. The big question is who do I want to dress up as?'. The answer to that question is...

image Click to view

Isn't that outrageous? Truly, truly outrageous....Why Jem? I have no clue...It's either her or Bianca/Belle from Pokemon White/Black. (Though, I have time to change my mind)

Let see what else? Oh yes....


The trailer is soo awesome~

/gushes like a fangirl...

Aside from my gushing, I need to wait until July to get my DM fix. My best friend, Sam, says I'm a masochist. On one hand, I sort understand where she's coming from. Yet, I'm sticking to the series until it ends. *S-sob* Hoshino, if you killed Rhode, I'll never forgive you. My BFF Sam left sometime during the beginning of the Alma arc. She's a Yullen fan, so seeing Kanda with Alma...Yeah, it broke her hearts...Plus, Kanda being dead and all....

Speaking of DGM, I noticed all my favorite character are different now. Once upon a time, my favorite character were Allrn, Lenalee and Reever....Now, it's changed at lot. My favorite females are Rhode, Miranda, Klaud Nine and Lala. (Yes, I know Lala is a minor character, but I adore her!) My favorite males are Tyki, The Earl, Lavi, Wisely and Allen. (Kanda gets an honorary mention cuz he's Kanda 8D. Also, Reever will have a special place in my heart) I don't hate Lenalee...Honestly, I don't...Its just that I want to slap and tell her to STOP crying....If she's going to cry, cry for a good reason. Where did my badass Lenalee run off to?

Oddly enough, I find myself more inclined to the Noah family. I know they're evil, but at least they're honest about it...I mean the BO experimented on humans to make a better soldier...It's just sickening to think of. Besides, all the rules and regulation they put on their members...*Sigh*

Nonetheless, I will keep loving DGM. No matter how weird the art gets or how weird  the plot twists. I'm staying til the end...(No, seriously Hoshino, if you killed Rhode, I will NEVER forgive you.)

Oh yeah...I've been kidnapped by the Tiger and Bunny kink meme....HELP ME ;_;

dgm, weird dreams, rambling, cosplay, ramblings

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