FUN FUN DAY!!! I met Hailey, she's surprisingly good girl. Not at all how I pictured her to be. I am glad I didn't chicken out. I sorta lied to her about my last name (I told her mine is "Stevenson" because I normally don't tell people my last name), and since Mich came with me, all Hailey's friends thought she's my sister. *sighs*
Finally, a survey to end a good day. )
the girl you met is really the "girl" you talked to's granddaughter.
The actual Hailey is a 96 year old spanish man.
so what? the real Hailey used her granddaughter as a bait? lol but hey, I have nothing against old people if she's interested, i am game. ;-)
psst, why do you always have to rain on my parade? lol
jk <3
lol, your mom sucks! :-P
how was your day? other than the shopping thing?
But then the last few hours have been good. I talked to two of my favorite people that I havent talked to in like weeks.
And no, it does not include you. Because You Suck! :)
well, sounds like fun, i am bore out of my mind right now. *sighs*
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