(no subject)

Jul 02, 2024 12:11

I don't really believe in synonyms.  I think that the real merit of English as a language is its acquisitiveness & accumulation of vocabulary.  My imaginary future has a reconciliation of English, my favorite language & Chinese, my favorite writing system, but in real life anyway, I stick mainly with English because I have mastery over it that I gravely doubt I'd be able to mimic with another language.  Fluency seems to mean different things to different people, but I don't believe I could attain the same facility with another language that I have with English because of the breadth of English vocabulary & my own expansive knowledge of same.

I think that seemingly equivalent words really do contain shades of varied meaning which allow more precision in thought & emotion. I think that command over words lends command over the self because the components of identity - emotional & intellectual that can be explicitly named gain more definition by being named.  I think that there's a meaningful difference between being angry, wrathful, aggrieved, spiteful, antagonistic or provoked.  These are distinct feelings that, with a limited comprehension of language one wouldn't be able to actually experience.  I think emotions exist because a name for them has been devised & the more specific one can be the more clearly they can express those thoughts.

Words as palette, synonymous words as shades & tones, inflection as hue.  But this is more than just artistic pretension, rather, I posit a sapir-worff style concept of self-knowledge is expanded by linguistic expansion.  Which isn't to say that sapir-worff is true, but to say that even if it isn't that doesn't mean it couldn't be made to be true. Couldn't come true.

Ideas coming true is an important foundational element to what's being accomplished here, it's the objective of much of this project which doesn't mean it can't include discredited ideas.  What was false yesterday may become true tomorrow.  Get ready for what's next, that's the wise thing to be doing at any given time.

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