Jan 14, 2011 11:34
I feel much better.
I aced my test. I killed the beast.
I only had trouble at one point. The story problem on the last page.
The problem was "A hotel rented 50 rooms. They made $7010 total. If a premium room is $185, and a regular room is $115, how many rooms did each have rented out?" I'm not really sure if I typed that right, but I'm pretty sure that is what the numbers were.
At first I thought it was only one algebraic statement.
185x + 115y = 7010
185x = -115y + 7010
185x/185 = -115/185 + 7010/185
I don't know the rest and don't feel like dealing with fractions or calculating anything, but it came out to 7010 = 7010
But then I read the directions, and saw that it said "solve the system of equations," which is something I learned from my book is if the directions say "system" then it means two algebraic statements,which led me to use the elimination method.
Regardless, it was 18 premiums and 32 regulars. I looked at the problem for like 30 minutes and just drew a blank. Oh well! It's over with, I feel I did well enough.
I better get a 4.0 this term.
I am thinking of writing short stories for some writing practice. I kind of want to look into freelance writing for some extra $$$$$ CHA-CHING $$$$ CASH CARS CLOTHES HOES
But I feel like I'm not good enough. I feel like when I type things online it comes out pretty bad, but if I tried really hard to put details into stories and such it could come out okay. I am told I am a pretty good writer, granted, it is my family telling me that, although my teachers are always impressed and I get like an A in all writing classes, but I don't think the teachers here have high standards.