Well this past weekend was interesting to say the least. Friday night I was suppose to go on the education pubcrawl but I sold my shirt cause I thought that I was going home to do an interview for an essay. Didn't end up going home and didn't end up going on the pubcrawl. Instead I stayed in and did work and then at 11:45 went down to Tilley to see the P-sac movie that Anthony submitted to the Silverwave Film Festival. I actually made the movie. So exciting!!!
Saturday woke up later than expected and missed going to the Remeberance Day ceremony. Went to the HIL at 1 and stayed till 7:30ish. Amie msg'd me when I got home and wanted me to go drinking at her b/f's house. I was kinda reluctant to go cause I knew I had a TON of work to do the next day and she said that it was her, dan and dan's friend that were going to be there. BORING! hahaha anyway I only took 6 beer with me so I wouldn't be tempted to drink all 8 and headed down the hill (ended up drinking all 6, home brew, and 3 or 4 more beer at the bar :S) So i walked in and amie and dan are there and then Kristy and Josh....who i knew from before and didn't even know they were friend's with Dan. And this other guy who ends up being one of my many class crushes. I almost shit my draws when I saw him. Turns out that he is Dan's cousin. Hahhaa I've had a crush on this guy since Sept. never talked to him and didn't even know his name was Phil. Anyway we decided to go out. No one wanted to go to S-club cause it sucks and we really didn't want to head all the way downtown so as a joke....well maybe not a joke....I said that we should go to the 20/20. Everyone thought it was a awesome idea cause it was super close tp tweedsmier.
the story is kinda long
Dan decides that he's going to put on tapered black jeans and a cut off plaid shirt and a trucker hat for shits and giggles. So we head down and there are 2 sets of couples and me, phil and Kristy's friend Gillian. Anyway so Phil and I start chatting it up on the walk there and then he mentions how he only has debit so he can't pay cover and I was like hey I've got you covered. I think that got me in for sure ;) The bouncer gave Dan a hard time with about his shirt. thank god Josh had another shirt on for dan to put on.
So the 2 couples took off and Phil and I were kinda left to hangout with each other. He had a super fun time dancing and making fun of ppl. I got hit on by an old man who was probably older than my dad. The convo kinda went something like this "hey honey why aren;t you out on the dance floor?" "oh I'm not finished my beer" "Well I'll see you out there when you are" *wink* Hahhaa sooo funny. I was also flipped the bird from this girl that Phil and I were laughing at. I was kinda afraid cause she looked scary and was wearing camo. Anyway. Phil and I spent the entire time talking and just having a good time and making fun of ppl. Ugh oh yeah. Mark was there too. God. He came over to talk to me and he was all like I'm so drunk blah blah. I was like yep that's nice and went back to dance with Phil. Amie was like OMG you should have seen the look on his face when you just walked away and went back to Phil. Totally made him jealous.
After the bar closed we decided to head downtown to Pita Pit but Dan and amie took off. So that left Phil, Kristy, Josh, Gillian (who was probably hating her life cause she was the odd man out), and I. Then after Pita Josh and Kristy left. So Phil and I started the long walk up Yorke street. We got to Dundonald and relaised that Gillian was still with us. Ooooppps sorry we were to involved in conversation to notice you were there. She left us at that point. So we keep walking and we get to Montgomery. It was kinda an akward goodbye. I thought at one point he was going to kiss me and then i think he chickened out. hahaha So i was like " so i guess I'll see you in class" and we shook hands. WOW i'm so lame. Anyway I got home and felt like a big jerk cause I didn;t know how much more of a walk he had and remembered that he had left his car at dan's. He could have called a cab from my place.
So Monday I go to class and Phil just happens to be standing in the hall so I have a brief convo with him and appologize for not asking him where he lived. Turns out that he only had a few more blocks to walk up to Priestman. So then today I'm sitting in class and in walks Phil. Didn;t even know he was in that class. Which is pretty exciting cause it means that not only do I get to see him in my MWF class but also in my tues and thurs classes! SCORE!
So that's my long drawn out story about Phil. It's nice to have a crush again. hahaha Amie also said that she is going to talk to Dan and work something out. I don't think it's a good idea but we'll see what happens.