(d.gray-man drabble) ...and they didn't live happily ever after

Apr 18, 2009 22:29

Title: ...and they didn’t live happily ever after
Rating: G
Genre: Angst.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Do not own, never will...
Summary: I think the title says it all...
Words count: 227
Notes: Just some random angsty drabble I wrote some time ago but haven’t posted yet (...I think).
Hope you like it!

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’’So, this is it.’’ Lavi says and Yuu notices how he avoids looking at him.

’’Yeah.’’ Yuu doesn’t know what else he should say. Not anymore, not after all this.

The atmosphere in the room is awkward, the air is suffocating and Yuu thinks running away for the first time in his life. He is in the middle of the room, looking at Lavi.

Lavi stands in the doorway, leaning against the door frame. He isn’t smiling. Hasn’t been the whole time.

‘’I think I should leave.’’ Yuu says after the silence and he almost doesn’t recognize his own voice.

‘’Yeah.’’ Lavi finally looks at him and Yuu suddenly hopes he hadn’t. Lavi’s gaze isn’t neutral as it was when Yuu told him about this. Now it is full of rage and sadness, and Yuu knows it is because of him. Lavi is about to break because of him.

‘’Well, then... Goodbye, Lavi.’’ Yuu doesn’t know what one is supposed to say when everything is over, when there is no turning back, nothing to fix anymore. And oh god how he hates it.

‘’Take care.’’ Lavi says in turn, but he doesn’t look at him. Now it is Yuu who’s breaking.

‘’I will.’’ Nothing to say anymore...

‘’See you.’’ Only empty, meaningless things...

When Yuu walks away he doesn’t want to think why everything ended like this.

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d.gray-man, fic, laviyuu

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